DD seems to be going through some kind of seperation anxiety. I left the house tonight for a meeting (gave her 2 hugs & kisses as I left) and she told me "bye mom be careful". DH told me she had a complete hysterical meltdown when I left to the point she started to hyperventilate. She is fine with daycare drop off so I'm not really sure..Any ideas ladies? TIA.
dd - Emma Rose - 6.24.06
dd - Alexis Grace - 09.03.10

Re: Seperation Anxiety @ 2 1/2?
I'm just typing my thought here--why did she tell you to be careful? Is that something she normally hears you and DH say to each other? Is she afraid something might happen to you? ?
you never know with these little ones. ?S goes through severe separation anxiety when I leave her (she will be 2 next week) but then again..she is with me 24/7.?
oh---ok. ?she she is parroting what she heard you say. the good news is she's using it correctly!?
as far as the separation anxiety, I have no advice but I can totally empathize! ?