Trying to Get Pregnant

Gender help !

So, I’m a mom to 3 boys and I really really want a girl. I wanted to do all the methods to “ sway” for a girl this last baby. I’ve been taking magnesium and calcium and trying to eat low calorie . I also, want to abstain from sex ovulation day . However this morning I had a negative ovulation test we got to heated and ended up DTD tonight. I took another opk and it was positive :( . Have I ruined my chances of a girl if I conceive this cycle? Of course I will still love a boy but I can’t tell you how much my heart wants a girl . Any of you ladies DTD this close to ovulation and get a girl esp after boy(s) I’m desperate for some hope

Re: Gender help !

  • None of the gender selection methods actually work. It’s a 50/50 chance no matter when you have sex or what you eat. Actually I’m not sure why anyone would suggest that what you eat makes a difference since the sperm is what determines if there is a Y chromosome.
  • @britters314 The idea is that the woman’s PH level will kill off the male sperm and only leave the female. 

    OP, I don’t think you fully understand how an OPK works. It doesn’t pinpoint the exact day and time of ovulation. It tells you when your hormones are optimal for it to occur. It can happen 24-48 after a positive OPK. I think it’s more important for you to understand how they work vs using them to sway one way or the other. You should read the newbie post at the top. It explains everything you need to know about charting and OPKs. I highly recommend you learn your cervical mucus patterns. Knowing when your fertile window opens and closes is so important. It’s how you get good timing. Relying solely on OPKs can lead to missing your window. You can get a positive OPK and fail to ovulate. You would know this if you were watching your cervical mucus patterns because failed ovulation is followed by more peak cervical mucus. Some women can peak several times before they successfully ovulate. 
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