1st Trimester

Two week wait

Hey everyone, 
I am currently in the 2 week wait window, I did a pregnancy test 2/1/25, it was negative. 
As of right now, my body is constantly hot, I feel queasy, I have mild leg cramp, mild cramping on my back, I’m bloated as well. 
As early as it is, has anyone felt theses symptoms? 
My cycle is supposed to start 2/9/25, hoping for a positive pregnancy test. 

Re: Two week wait

  • How would leg cramping be an early pregnancy sign? Genuinely curious. If you feel like you’re having a lot of pregnancy symptoms a test should be positive. Queasiness wouldn’t be a thing unless you have enough HCG in your system. 
  • My sister found out she was pregnant at 3.5weeks and had body aches, she thought she had the flu, . That’s how. 
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  • I also don’t get cramps this early on before my cycle, it’s either the day before or the day of. I get hungry, but not this. I thought it was weird for me, it’s been a few days they’re on and off. 
  • During ovulation I do get mild cramps that are on my lower back and stomach :/
  • With leg cramps are cause by hormonal changes that affect the blood circulation and can be an early pregnancy symptom. 
  • I’m also 30 years old with a background in the Veterinary field. I am not 15, I know my body and I also know it’s early to be sharing any type of excitement with family, the reason I was seeking support on this forum. 
     Thank you for your curiosity. 
  • I’ve had cycles that feel different and sometimes I’m pregnant and sometimes I’m not.. my doctor sat me down after one of my chemical miscarriages and stressed to me the importance of not stressing about the tests and as hard as it is to just wait till your late. If you symptom check yourself you’ll just drive yourself crazy. Also a lot of women won’t even have symptoms right away. Now if you think your pregnant you very well might be and if your trying to be I really hope you are. But the sooner you know it doesn’t change how long the wait is for the first appointment so I’d just breathe, try to focus on something else and take a test next Monday. In the meantime if you think there’s a chance just treat yourself like you are pregnant and cut out anything you would if you were for the week. 
  • kas0211kas0211 member
    edited February 3
    I should also say I feel you in knowing your body and if you think the symptoms are there they very well could be. With my current pregnancy I just had a guy instinct that I knew I was pregnant. I had some odd symptoms that just didn’t make sense to me. My husband didn’t get it but when I took my test that thing lit up so fast. So I’ll just say again I know how much you want to test.. and I’ve been there the test everyday… I personally always feel better when I wait to get a string line instead of watching it early and hoping it gets stronger. 
  • I’m also 30 years old with a background in the Veterinary field. I am not 15, I know my body and I also know it’s early to be sharing any type of excitement with family, the reason I was seeking support on this forum. 
     Thank you for your curiosity. 
    Why are you so hostile? I have NEVER heard of leg cramps being a sign of early pregnancy. I was just curious as to why you think it is. Again, if you have enough symptoms that you think are actually caused from a pregnancy you should have enough HCG to turn a test. So go take one and get your answer. If it’s negative these “symptoms” are just typical LP symptoms. I know that’s not what you want to hear. Clearly I hit a nerve with the leg cramping because that couldn’t be caused by anything except a pregnancy. 

    Also, it’s against the rules to ask if you’re pregnant on this site. Not even in a roundabout way. Which is what this is. 
  • For the last couple years my period had been very straight forward, and so I tested because I went out of town and I couldn’t have a good time bc I felt sick and I was anxious and wasn’t sleeping well. These waves of nausea are kinda kicking me in the butt right now, my husband and I had been trying, but the last few months we kinda just stopped thinking about it, and hope for it to just happen. So I’m hopeful to see a positive pregnancy test. To be completely honest, I know it’s close my cycle and still could be those symptoms and it still can be that, and what I exactly assumed when I was out of bc of my cramps started, I felt bloated. Then the nausea came after a couple days. 
    Last night I vomited for the first time agh, I made an appt this morning, im due for an annual in march but I feel like two months early wouldn’t hurt. 
    Thank you Kas. Made feel better because even if we were trying, I don’t want to get too excited. 
  • Why haven’t you just taken a test? If the nausea is actually from being pregnant it should be positive. 
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