Trying to Get Pregnant


klguthrieklguthrie member
edited February 2 in Trying to Get Pregnant

Opinions? Answers? I am finishing my first cycle TTC. This would be #2, first LO I had no issues.

Fast forward I was diagnosed with endo and fibroids and I had surgery to remove the fibroid and clear out some endo. I chose to take the medicated route just to speed the process up so l have no idea what I'm doing. I did letrozol, dye test, 3 mature follicles, Ovadrel and finally progesterone waited the 14 days and started testing and this is CD 29 and still positive Is this still from the shot?? I keep getting mixed messages and my blood test is Monday so l'm impatient


  • edited February 2
    @klguthrie There’s a reason they wait a certain number of days before the blood test, and it’s to avoid the kind of confusion you’re experiencing. Nobody here can give you clarity on what’s happening in your body, sorry!

    Good luck this week! I hope it works out. If not, I encourage you to jump into the weekly threads and get to know everyone. We don’t really do one-off posts.
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