Hello. The anatomy ultrasound at 21 weeks showed humerus and femur lengths at the 13th percentile while the head and abdomen were around 48th to 50th percentile. Baby is 28th percentile overall. The technician didn't mention anything about the discrepancy. I called my doctor and was told by the assistant that my doctor has seen the results and there are no comments in her notes about it so the doctor must think everything is normal. My next appointment with her is in 5 days. I'm scheduled for a follow up ultrasound at 32 weeks because my placenta is low lying. If there is a growth problem with the arms and legs I would like to know sooner than 32 weeks.
Has anyone else had similar results from their scans and how did it go? Were you scheduled more frequent follow up scans to monitor progress? FYI I'm 5'4" and my partner is 5'8" so we're on the small side.
Thanks for reading and for any thoughts you can share. I've been really worried and googling stuff has not been helping...
Re: Edge of normal humerus and femur bone lengths
Anyone else had those ratios showing such low percentiles?