Trying to Get Pregnant

TTGP Mid-week Update 1/30

**The questions posted here will be pretty generic, so feel free to add other questions/info that are pertinent or delete what isn't. Please err on the side of caution and use trigger warnings/spoilers for topics that may be sensitive for other users.**     

WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.):



How are things going? Any questions?:


Re: TTGP Mid-week Update 1/30

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD, waiting to be matched for embryo adoption

    WTO/TWW: TWW (5dpo)

    Timing/CS: -5, -1

    How are things going? Any questions?: Temps are still high, so I did O this cycle, yay! I didn’t have EWCM until O day, though, and we didn’t BD that day, so I’m not too hopeful about our chances this cycle. But at least we did get the day before.

    R/R: After the subzero temps last week, it’s been feeling so warm this week in comparison, even though it’s still winter temps. The other day I went for a walk in my lighter winter coat, no hat or gloves, and I was hot even though it was only 30 degrees and windy lol. Relativity is a funny thing.
  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD 


    Timing/CS: -5, -3,-2 

    How are things going? Any questions?: Just waiting it out. 

    R/R: I'm in conference today and the first speaker made me want to slap him. Hated it. 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transferred 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET - cancelled
    Dec 2022 - Vasectomy reversal
    June 2023 - DH diagnosed with Brain Tumor - TTC put on indefinite hold
    January 2025 - Surprise BFP! Due 9/13/2025 - CP
    January 2025 - Trying Again

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  • edited January 31
    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.):BD


     Timing/CS: my window is not open yet How are things going?

    Any questions?: I have a feeling we have Covid. I think that is what I had last week or so and now DH has it. It felt like the flu. Another close friend told me her husband has it which makes me think that is what we have had. I actually feel pretty healthy this week except for some lingering congestion.

     R/R: The temps dropped to -10 this week. Which isn’t bad for this time of year but considering we haven’t had cold temps at all this winter I am not acclimated at all. So I plan to hibernate the next 5 days until it warms up a bit. We got a few inches of snow which is nice. I’m glad it’s not melting to ice.

    edit to fix formatting 
  • @emeraldcity603 the flu and covid are going around here like crazy! And cold weather when you aren't ready is the worst. We were in the -20s last week and yesterday it was 66. I love this time of year... Not 
    Spoiler for History 

    Me - 30 DH - 32

    April 2009 - 8+ week MC
    January 2012 - BFP - DS Born 10/21/2012
    May 2013 - BFP - Twins MMC @ 13 weeks D&C
    Oct 2013 -  BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2013 -  BFP  DD Born 8/16/14 - Cholestasis at 36+5
    Nov 2016 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Dec 2016 - BFP  DD Born 6/19/17 @ 28+4 Severe Pre-E, IUGR, Cholestasis 
    Nov 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2017 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    Jan 2019 - BFP MC @ 6 weeks
    DH Vasectomy Aug 2019
    Feb 2022 - TTC #4 with IVF - RPL testing
    Protein C and S Deficiency - Blood Thinners for Treatment - Maybe we don't know!
    June 2022 - IVF - 2 embryos - 1 transferred 6/22/22 - Transfer Failed
    July 2022 - FET - cancelled
    Dec 2022 - Vasectomy reversal
    June 2023 - DH diagnosed with Brain Tumor - TTC put on indefinite hold
    January 2025 - Surprise BFP! Due 9/13/2025 - CP
    January 2025 - Trying Again

  • @britters314 yay for O!

    FX for bouncing back quickly from the junk going around!

    @aisleofviewtwo the progesterone 🥴 I have a soy allergy so I get it compounded and it’s powder in the capsule versus the liquid, but still …ish…

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): medicated/TI cycle

    WTO/TWW: TWW/6dpo

    Timing/CS: EOD in FW

    How are things going? Any questions?:  Are progesterone rage and progesterone nesting things?  Asking for a friend…

    R/R:  I started stretching at night and got H on board, and I’m not sure why I’m surprised but I feel so much better.  We are focusing on hamstrings right now and it sucks every single time but I can touch my toes again.  And that’s pretty much our excitement this week.
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @virginiaham I have never felt rage or nesting while taking progesterone. I have also started stretching and it does feel amazing. I’m trying to get back into working out too, which also feels good. 
  • edited January 31
    @britters314 Omg temperature relativity is such a thing! I literally told my mom on the phone this week that we're at the point in winter where highs in the mid-30s feels nice and warm rather than cold and miserable. Solidarity. Enjoy the "warms" while they last!
    @mambo5-2 Ew yuck. Do you have a work friend you can share raised eyebrows with or something to commiserate?
    @emeraldcity603 FX for mild cases and quick recoveries all around!
    @virginiaham Oh interesting, I didn't realize there was soy involved, mine only ever warn about peanut allergies. (I do 50/50 oral and vaginal routes, and feel fortunate I haven't had the horror story experiences you read about online with the suppositories melting in peoples' hands and things. Sometimes I feel like I've got a totally different version of the drug than everyone else.) I've def heard of progesterone rage being a thing, personally I seem to get more of a progesterone ennui..

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): FET

    WTO/TWW: TWW, 8dp5dt

    Timing/Testing/CS: Blood test scheduled for 11dpt on Monday 2/3

    How are things going? Any questions?: Just over here twiddling my thumbs and trying not to lose my mind. I've cycled through fatigue, insomnia, nausea, headaches, the works this past week. I know full well that any "symptoms" at this stage are just as likely to be caused by supplemental progesterone as by hCG, but still I struggle not to over-analyze everything I feel.

    R/R: I'm working my way through an online graduate certificate program and my class started in earnest this week. It's a new-to-me prof, and I discovered yesterday his lectures are going to be both incredibly long and monotone and essentially just regurgitating what's in the textbook I've been assigned to read. Le sigh. I think it's going to be a long semester.

  • @aisleofviewtwo do you plan to test before Monday? 
  • @emeraldcity603 Nope, I'm too much of a rule follower. Clinic said please no testing before the blood test, so I won't. (But even before IVF I refused to test early.)
  • @aisleofviewtwo that’s some incredible self control. I am shamelessly lacking in that department. I buy bulk tests for a reason. 😅
  • edited January 31
    @emeraldcity603 It's also a form of self-preservation: this way I can't get myself worked up over a BFN that might just be too early, or a false BFP that's just a hangover from the trigger. Schrödinger's pregnancy works for me :D

  • @aisleofviewtwo Yeah this is basically me right now:

  • @aisleofviewtwoSchrödinger's pregnancy 😆 FX for Monday! 

    AFM, 8dpo BFN today—totally not unexpected. Official blood test is on Tuesday.  MH’s deployment just got both moved up and extended last night 😔 and now timing in the FW next cycle might be super tight if this cycle isn’t successful.  So I bought myself a huge bulk pack of my favorite GF cookies that Target just discontinued, to last me while he’s gone.
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @virginiaham Do you plan to test tomorrow. 9DPO is my sweet spot. 8DPO is still on the early side. 
  • @emeraldcity603 yes for sure!  With the progesterone I’m finding I just don’t have concentrated urine almost ever so not sure why I thought it could pick anything up today 🤷🏻‍♀️
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): bd
    WTO/TWW: tww
    Timing/CS: every few days
    How are things going? Any questions?:
    Unforeseen work trips and being sick meant much less dancing than hoped for and I went from low to peak on my opk- so not at 

    @emeraldcity603 and @mambo5-2 feeling you all on the sickness front to - at a school 250 and 43 of our kiddos were home sick on Friday.

    @aisleofviewtwo good thoughts for this round as you wait - sorry for the boring prof

  • edited February 1
    5e41d6513469ca52802e91e1e55b809c.png 3508×2480 pixels
  • My fertile window is finally open we already got one BD in. I’m hoping for one more. This week has ended up being kinda crazy. DH’s work schedule is more intense than I originally thought so I’m hoping for the best. 
  • @virginiaham Sorry to hear the deployment news. I know very little of that world but it seems unfair to families that they can change plans so last-minute. FX this cycle is the one and the timing worries solve themselves. Either way, glad you've got the cookies to look forward to!
  • Guys I just dropped half of this $$$$ bottle of compounded progesterone into my wet sink … what is happening 😭🫣
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • edited February 2
    @virginiaham No! Ugh, I’m so sorry! ETa: I’m anxiously waiting updates from you. 👀
  • @emeraldcity603 BFN this morning 👎 It was a total I can’t believe I just did that moment last night (and then I rubbed my lemon hand cream all over my face instead of my hands) 🙃 But I woke up thinking I’ll happily buy however much more is needed if we have a viable pregnancy.  I think a lot of us probably feel that same way. ❤️ 

    FX for more good timing for your FW!
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @virginiaham I’m sorry for the BFN. I was really hoping you would get a positive today. We will likely get to BD tonight. If I O by CD14 that should be good. Maybe one more tomorrow night for good measure. 
  • @emeraldcity603 get it girl!
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @emeraldcity603 almost in the same boat I think - I think we may get two chances to BD this FW before my husband goes on a
    work trip.
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