Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Weight gain

My baby girl is EBF and is 10.3pounds at 11 weeks. Doctor says she could gain another pound and it would be good. Any suggestions for what else I can do I try and BF every 2.5 hours. 

Re: Weight gain

  • Is it because she is not following her growth curve?
    Do you still feed at night? Feeding every 2.5h seems like a possible solution. When I was breastfeeding my daughter (she was about one month old at that time), I had to feed her every 2h for a few weeks to help grow my milk production and make sure she had enough.
    Maybe someone will have another solution, but if you are exclusively breastfeeding, except trying to squeeze in more feedings, I don't see how your little one would gain even more weight.
    Best wishes!!
  • I just had my third and I’ve bf for over a year with first two with no problem, Now with my third he wasn’t gaining weight, half an oz a week.
    we ended up having to do formula or half and half. Still sad about it but fed is best 
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