Hi! Hoping for words that may help put my mind at ease. I'm newly pregnant (7weeks today based on my calculations). This would be #3 and we are very excited but also as is always the case for me, I'm very anxious as I await the first doc appointment. I regretfully scheduled one of those elective ultrasounds which I've never done before. This happened today and it was an abdominal ultrasound (rather than transvaginal which is what my doctor uses until 12 weeks)... using the abdominal ultrasound admittedly seemed odd but I figured it was just a very high tech machine. I braced myself to maybe not see as clearly but we saw absolutely nothing - there wasn't a sac, or a sign of pregnancy. It took her awhile to find my uterus even. Anyhow I left completely in a panic. I feel pregnant - nauseous, bloated etc and if not progressing, I would have expected to see a gestational sac or a sign of something. I'm overweight so maybe that plays into it, I'm not sure. I called my doctor and she said just to try and not over think it and to certainly stick with ultrasounds only in a medical setting so lesson learned the very hard way there, she suggested waiting and of course pointed to the fact that it just may be too soon for this method. That said, I'm so anxious! My appointment is Tuesday next week with the doctor and gosh it's going to be a hard weekend. Any advice or even similar experiences would be so appreciated!
Re: Overweight - abdominal ultrasound
Please relax and wait until you see your doctor and get the appropriate scans. Its sick that these places take advantage of people.