Trying to Get Pregnant

TTGP Mid-Week Update 1/23

**The questions posted here will be pretty generic, so feel free to add other questions/info that are pertinent or delete what isn't. Please err on the side of caution and use trigger warnings/spoilers for topics that may be sensitive for other users.**     

WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.):



How are things going? Any questions?:


Re: TTGP Mid-Week Update 1/23

  • @aisleofviewtwo thinking of you today!!!  Looking back on temps, I consistently have a few days of stair-stepping before it jumps all the way up…it actually looks the same with unmedicated cycles as well as one of my Femara/trigger cycles with progesterone. FF says it may rise in increments or rise/fall/rise over several days but the most important thing to look at is the overall pattern in a cycle.  I think it’s totally ok!

    @britters314 how are the kitties doing in the cold up there?

    WAYDTGKU: Femara/cocktail/TI

    WTO/TWW: I ordered another box of OPKs last night so naturally got a +OPK this morning

    Timing/CS: we have -2,-4 and getting more timing today or tomorrow.

    How are things going? Any questions?:  I’ve been surprised to see that CM has been generally unimpressive this cycle even doing mucinex 3x/day.  There’s technically EWCM but had I not been tracking I would not at all suspect we’re in the FW. 

    R/R:  Had the vivid BFN dream 😐
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD and waiting to enter matching for embryo adoption 


    Timing/CS: Body is still being weird. On CD 8 and I’ve still been spotting. My periods are usually 2-3 days

    How are things going? Any questions?: Things are going well. Our pre-matching call will hopefully be tomorrow (just waiting on a confirmation email). Then we can enter matching. Last time it only took about 3 weeks before someone said yes to us and we were shown their profile, so I’m guessing it’ll be quick this time too.

    R/R: We’ve had sickness going around in our house and I’m so happy I’ve been spared (so far at least). Someone told me at the beginning of fall that if you ferment garlic in honey it is a good cold remedy. So every time I’ve gotten any cold symptoms, I just eat one of the garlic cloves and I’m fine by the end of the day. 
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  • @virginiaham I have never understood how a medication that dries up mucus can help with production of CM. Are you taking note of how you feel just walking around? Sometimes that’s a better indicator of my fertile window than actually seeing the CM. 

    @britters314 I hope the matching process goes smooth and fast for y'all. I had a dream last night that someone announced loudly that we were TTC. 

  • @virginiaham I saw one of the cats out this morning, so I know he at least made it through the cold weather. I’ve also seen lots of paw prints in the snow that fell last night, so that’s a good sign. I’m hoping I see the others today so I know they are all okay!
  • @britters314 aw I'm glad they have your kind gesture!  Love the paw prints in the snow.  We saw some little bunny tracks this morning in NC.

    @emeraldcity603 True, and paying attention to that it matches up with FW. It's weird. Mucinex might be my favorite drug ever because it's sooo good at hydrating/liquefying all the airway gunk so it's easy to get out, and I've been able to clear out my sinuses and lingering chest congestion for sure on the 3x/day regimen (a blessed bonus after back to back colds).  My presumedly weak natural ovulations produce great CM so I expected at least the same so just trying to have faith that it's making a difference for the cells that are all up in there lol.  I searched Reddit and many people have said that CM tended to be more creamy with Letrozole.  Maybe that's a factor.  Anyway, I hope you've been able to take things easy yesterday and today!
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • @britters314 Ummm going to go dump my garlic and honey in a jar right now.  How long did you let them sit before you ate the first one?
    me . late 30's | h . early 40's | < 3 . 2013

    *siggy warning*

    ttc#1 . jul 2015
    mmc . mar 2016
    dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
    tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
    BFP .  jan 2017
    DD .  oct 2017

    ntnp #2 . summer 2018
    mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
    RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
    surprise BFP .  aug 2019
    DS .  may 2020

    dx Hashimoto's 2023
    ttc #3 . feb 2023
    mmc . apr 2023
    mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
    dx elevated nk cells
    tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025

  • peppyj9peppyj9 member
    edited January 23

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): BD/TI


    Timing/CS: Just BDing every few days. A couple weeks ago there was lots of CM, now I'm dry as the Sahara 😒

    How are things going? Any questions?: still waiting on Aunt Flo (4 days late) and feeling pretty annoyed/paranoid about it. I know it happens, but ugh.

    R/R: both husband and son are sick with fever and congestion and so far I've been spared and hoping it stays that way. 🤞🏻 
  • @virginiaham I feel like I can never rely on my CM to tell me where I'm at in my cycle. Thank goodness for OPKs. Sorry you had a BFN dream. But happy to hear you've got good timing this cycle! 🤞🏻 I've never heard of the Mucinex helping CM before. How interesting. 

    @britters314 hope you get a match soon like last time!! 🤞🏻 I'm going to have to try the garlic in honey thing! Never heard of that before. 

    @emeraldcity603 what a crappy dream! I actually had a friend tell her friend about my TTC journey and my concerns about my age (little gossiper 😒) only for that friend (who is only my acquaintance) to tell me at a gathering that she knows someone who just had a baby at 42, so not to worry because there's still hope for me 😳 I was mortified and angry. Like ma'am, I hardly know you, please don't patronize me. I know she meant well, but it was so awkward.
  • @virginiaham I’m definitely not saying it doesn’t work, I’m just not sure I understand it. The type of CM changes as you reach your peak. It can be a combination of any of it. Creamy isn’t the most fertile but it is still fertile. I’m not sure you’re going to make it more fertile by thinning it out. I personally go by the way it feels while I’m walking around. Sometimes it feels like my period just started and I know I have reached my last 2 days of my fertile window because that’s been my pattern. As for me, yesterday I was cramping a ton and today DH and I got in an argument and now I’m purging the house of everything I can. 

    My last BFP was not planned and we BD too close to my window. That evening I noticed the start of creamy CM and it was 4 days out from my last fertile day. So creamy isn’t the most fertile but it’s still good at protecting the sperm. 

    @peppyj9 That would no longer be a friend of mine. If I can’t trust you to know what should and shouldn’t be shared you can’t be my friend. At least not one that gets sensitive information. Yikes! 

    Funny story ladies, and a lesson to us all. I was lurking at What to Expect and someone posted their chart and asked if it was normal. She didn’t like that I told her she hasn’t ovulated. She told me temps don’t confirm ovulation that LH strips do. I went into great detail about her misconception. She blocked me and now admin are reviewing my comments. 😂😂😂😂 I can’t help but laugh. I’m also so sad for those women taking such bad advice. 
  • @emeraldcity603 I've definitely limited what I share with her. She's a great friend otherwise, but since she's an open book with herself she seems to think she can be that way with others' stories too 🫠  also, that is sadly funny about the misconception on how ovulation works. Some people really just don't like to be told they're wrong. It's like the idea of having to change course in thinking is so hard they'd rather just dig their heels in on being wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • edited January 24
    @britters314 @virginiaham Thanks for the reassurance re: post-O temps. Mine are always like that, with or without the meds/trigger, so extra appreciative to hear I'm not wildly out of the ordinary.
    Also @virginiaham Happy +OPK!!! I know it was a long wait. And of course, of course it would come right after you purchased a new set.... Go get that good timing  ;)
    @peppyj9 Sorry for the unsolicited advice you experienced  :/ It's so hard when the people we love have wildly different ideas about what is acceptable to share with whom. I've found myself in a really weird place with sharing TTC info with friends and family because I can't bring myself to lie to people when they ask, but I also feel uncomfortable sharing that info without being asked outright (feels like dumping too much on them?) . So a few people in my life know basically everything because they're nosy - in the best way - and others know basically nothing. Hopefully nobody's feelings get hurt with my haphazard approach!

    WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): FET

    WTO/TWW: TWW, 0dp5dt

    Timing/CS: N/A

    How are things going? Any questions?: FET this morning went as smoothly as we could have hoped! We did get a fun twist in that they switched the embryo selected for transfer at the last minute. They'd originally picked one from my February retrieval, the sex of which they accidentally spoiled for me sometime last fall, but with the switch it's now one from the August retrieval so it'll be a true surprise :) Now we wait.

    R/R: Not sure what changed but my husband, while always supportive, has become so much more vocal about sharing this experience with me this cycle. Just stuff like texting shortly after each cycle visit to ask for updates on how it went, checking in about how I'm feeling about everything, actually expressing his feelings of hope and desire to be a dad. There's so much he can't do in this process, but even the little things are helping me feel less alone in it <3
  • @britters314 Ummm going to go dump my garlic and honey in a jar right now.  How long did you let them sit before you ate the first one?
    I think I had the first one just a few days later, but it still just tasted like straight garlic at that point lol. It definitely tastes better the longer it’s in the honey. We’ve had our jar sitting on the counter since like September now and just keep adding garlic to it when it gets low
  • @aisleofviewtwo that is so sweet your husband is so attentive. I’m glad your FET went well. 
  • WAYDTGKU (BD/TI/IVF/FET/Benched/etc.): bd 
    WTO/TWW: wto
    Timing/CS: bd every other
    How are things going? Any questions?: took a few weeks off from posting - body went irregular on me after months of being able to pinpoint the day - that regular till it isn’t thing. Finally got a positive opk today- so the dance continues.

    R/R: sister in law just got pregnant- rather than call or anything - just sent a photo of positive test- no context- oldest is 3 and their youngest isn’t a year old -  “just decided to have another one and gave it a go!” Trying to be happy - but frustrated at the lack of tact. 

    Husband has been super supportive through my body not doing the expected- just really helpful on the mental front.
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