2nd Trimester

Mama ready to break help me

edited January 17 in 2nd Trimester
I’m 23 weeks and my daughter was 26 week I’ve qhave never carried past 27 weeks my daughter was born at 26 with many needs she’s on oxygen full time now 4 and has many additional needs like peg and heart and developmental delay , I’m extremely high risk my daughters father and the father to the pregnancy same man , doesn’t live with us he works full time and we don’t see him at all in the week we split weekends with his other kids he just started with a new company that offered weekends too and I can’t bare it I broke in tears saying how I can’t take the lack of support the wages don’t go towards us in anyway he isn’t doing it to provide for us I pay bills and care for and pay for our daughter so the extra shift is to fill his pocket if I ask for csa or help I’m a money grabbing cow. I can’t take how lonely this is I feel being pregnant to him is a sentence it wasn’t planned and I’m so disappointed with myself as he doesn’t show for our daughter as it is or step up. When I called to say I’m not well after having contractions my cervix has gone short and started to dialate and on top I have the flu and chest infection I pleaded for help where he told me he’s now working weekends I said okay can u come after Saturday he then breaks it to me this is long term I broke down crying saying why would he take that without talking with me he said who am I to give him crap for working making out I don’t support his work . I do I get working Monday to Friday but extra optional shifts especially when we don’t see a penny it’s not worth the suffering it means one day every two
Weeks I can’t live like this anymore . I’m so lonely , depressed and scared if I cry he turns his phone off he said I’m the issue cos of this I’m a nag . I feel like I’m loosing the will I’m so lonely and scared he hasn’t made one appointment never felt baby kick we haven’t seen him in over 2 weeks when we do I have to pay fuel for him or I do the effort I had to pay all Christmas for our daughter he was meant to go half but when he got paid he turned his phone off . Please help me am I the problem for being so
Emotional about this? I feel on the verge of a breakdown . I’m so down

Re: Mama ready to break help me

  • I’m sorry this is all happening. My advice is to maybe seek counseling & reach out to your support system. Depression is general is hard. Depression during pregnancy is exacerbated because our hormones are all over the place. I’ll be praying for you. ❤️
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