Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Working from home with 10 week old baby

I’m a first time mom with a 10 week old baby and I have to go back to work in 2 weeks and I have no idea how to manage my day with my day with my baby home. He doesn’t ever take naps. He screams when I put him down. He sleeps okay through the night wakes 2-3 times for feedings but is relatively good and goes back down but during the day there is no time for anything. My life has been on repeat every 3 hours and I get nothing done. We live in a small space and I have to take calls and have meetings sometimes. Is this even going to be feasible? I don’t want to give up my job and want to somehow do both, but right now I’m feeling like I can even pee without him screaming. And then he gets so worked up I don’t know what to do to get him to calm back down. 

Re: Working from home with 10 week old baby

  • You will figure it out! I went back to work after 3 months with my first. It was hard! But it got easier. This may been you keep your phone/zoom on mute for some calls or you have to leave a call early if there is a meltdown. Also get yourself a really good carrier so you can wear your baby so you don’t have to put him down but you are hands free. Soon you will get a nap schedule going and you can take your calls during naps. The first 3 months are the hardest but I promise it gets easier. I didn’t love the newborn stage the first time round - you dont Have to love every stage but you are doing great. It’s a huge adjustment. 
  • Yes, you'll eventually figure it out, Mum. That's the excitement of being a mother. I know it's hard, but as days pass, you'll be used to it. You can get a nanny if you want. If not, get a carrier that serves its purpose. Something that will give your hands total freedom. And also, I think during any calls, you can tell your callers in advance and the team during a meeting that you have a baby who's unpredictably a screamer, lol. I know they'll understand. You're doing great!
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  • I’m in the exact same boat except, I went back to work today. It definitely was difficult and I did have a noon cry session, but I’m hanging on to hope that it will get better as time goes on. Just know that you are not alone!! 
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