
Hi, discovered i dont have proper "swimmers".

My name is Fernando, am 39 from Portugal.

Discovered that i dont have viable sperms and suffer from a very severe case of cryptozoospermia.
Am running several exames to see what causes it, but unfortunally the more exams i do, the more the mistery thickens.

When i tryed to get my ex girlfriend pregnant i noticed something was terribly wrong, cause despite all the hype around the action, it was taking to much time... unfortunally those empty tryes hindered the relationship and eventually my ex found "another interest" and betrayed me...

We had an apointement for a couples medical conseling to tackle the problem, but the relationship didnt last unfortunally... and will always blame my self for that in some degree...

Now with my present girlfriend/wife (not marryed, but feels awkard in this age saying girlfriend) we are trying for about 3 years, went to our healthcare public service, but since am 39 and my girlfriend/wife is 42 they declined to give assistance since for them we are to old... but even so i asked if they could help determine what is causing my infertility and so far the 2 things they found was the bad case of cryptozoospermia and low testostorone.

We went to a private clinic and another battery of exames... this time an genetic exam since i told the doctor all my life i worked on various types of industryes with heavy metals and several types os chemicals... but he also suspects of Klinefelter syndrome.

Now we await the results and what can be done, costs, etc...

Despite all of this for me life continues and i accepted that somethings are out of my hand, but even so because of this and the cheat i lost almost all interest in sex... the idea of doing wild "national geographic" stuff and create something was very arousing for me, but now... it feels like a disapointment every time i do it...

My wife sometimes like to talk trash when we discuss and doenst know how much its hurting me by saying am useless as a man... and when i was searching for stuff about infertility i found that theres isnt much suport for men, like they have for women...

So this is my story...
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