1st Trimester

Possible MC?

I am currently 8 weeks 1 day. I have had no spotting/bleeding or cramping up until now. Saturday morning I used the restroom, wiped and noticed there was a little bit of brown blood. I didn’t think a whole lot of it because I know spotting is normal in early pregnancy. Fast forward to tonight (Sunday night) I have had ongoing menstrual like cramps since Saturday, still spotting drown blood (more so than the first time on Saturday morning, but not enough to put in a pad) and the only thing that helps with the cramping is Tylenol (I did call my OB RN line and she said this was okay to take, and did not seem concerned at all but they do want me to go in tomorrow to be checked out) has anyone experienced these symptoms and still went on to carry a healthy pregnancy? I’ve been trying to stay calm this whole weekend but I’m so nervous about going in tomorrow….

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