1st Trimester

Debilitating First Trimester Symptoms

My symptoms started at exactly 5 weeks and ever since then I’ve been stuck in bed. The pounding headaches, exhaustion, constipation, nausea, and vomiting is so intense, I’m afraid. On top of all of that, I have chronic vasovagal (fainting episodes) that are triggered by nausea. I’ve already fainted once and went to the ER. Baby is fine but I’m really struggling and very stressed about how I’m going to perform at work. Thankfully I work from home but my job is demanding. How can I do this for another two months or longer? Any tips? I’ve tried the unisom and b6 combo, eating small meals, and Zofran and I’m still miserable.

Re: Debilitating First Trimester Symptoms

  • 8 weeks here and was diagnosed with HG (Hyperemesis gravidarum-A severe type of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.) I was unable to function, had to take leave from work or just preform daily tasks. I told my doctor I needed relief and was prescribed Promethazine an anti nausea/vomiting medication that from my experience “worked” much better than any over the counter medications. I also still struggle with food aversions so if the nausea is at bay I am able to stomach something with the medicine. At first it made me sleep but I soon familiarized myself with the side effects and take it before eating or if I knew strong smells were creeping in my way to avoid any severe nausea spells. 8/10 times I found extreme relief and would highly recommend it to anyone for morning/all day sickness after speaking with their physician. I can confidently say that I have had a huge amount of relief in my 1st trimester when nothing else worked. It is also pregnancy safe but of course talk to your doctor first to see if it is right for you. I hope you feel better soon, hang in there mama. Take it from someone who saw no end in sight. 
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