October 2024 Moms

Insensitive Friends

Hi, I’ve had babies before and quit having baby showers a few babies ago, just because it seems taboo to have them after the first couple babies. Anyway, a week after my due date a friend is getting married. We plan to RSVP not attending because of this, and a female friend is upset that her husband is in the wedding and wants my husband to attend solo to keep her company! She is also pregnant with her first and only baby and is having her baby shower a week after the wedding, putting that timeframe a potential week or two after I deliver, unless I go earlier. She seems angry I can’t say for sure whether I’m going or not. I feel annoyed and dismissed. I’m trying to ignore it but my husband speaks with her husband daily. I don’t want to dismiss her feelings or first pregnancy, but she has never gone out of her way when I’ve been pregnant in the past, and for her to want my husband to leave for a wedding an hour away for the entire day to keep her company when I’ll potentially have just given birth with other small children at home seems very insensitive. I almost can’t believe she said that! How would you handle this? I’m tempted to ignore it and carry on in the way that suits our needs but want to make my feelings known. 

Re: Insensitive Friends

  • I think it's totally reasonable to not want your husband to go to the wedding. I can't say how you should handle the conflict, but I bet your friend will understand a lot better after she has her own baby.
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