May 2025 Babies

Weekly Check In Sep 2nd

gravcassgravcass member
edited September 23 in May 2025 Babies
I know we don't have many in the group yet, but thought I would start our weekly Check ins. 

DD / Weeks + Days:


Baby is the size of a (an): 

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments:

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What did you want to be growing up? 

Re: Weekly Check In Sep 2nd

  • I am 4+3 today!


    Baby is the size of the edge of a key.

    Team green (but secretly team pink)

    Upcoming appointment: My first doctor's appointment is September 16th but I am feeling anxious about it because the receptionist wouldn't answer any of my questions about what to expect at that appointment. I am hoping they will do an ultrasound instead of telling me to go for blood work and come back.

    Mentally, I am feeling anxious, scared and guilty for not being as joyful and excited as the baby deserves. Physically, I am feeling very tired and nauseous (in waves). No other symptoms yet.

    Rant: The internet is sooo negative! It might be my fault for downloading all the apps and joining all the forums but all I see is fearmongering and negativity. I said this on the other thread but I am desperately craving some positive stories. That said, I know that these websites are a safe space for people to share their challenges and fears. So I feel very conflicted and like I need to do a better job protecting my peace.

    Question: When are you guys telling people? My long distance BFF is in town this weekend and although I feel 5 weeks is too early, I want to take advantage of the fact that this is my only time to tell her in person. My husband feels a bit weird about telling her so early. I'm not sure what to do.

    GTKY: I wanted to be a lawyer growing up, but now I am a high school teacher and I think I am in a great career for me.
  • edited September 5
    4+4 today
    STM with an 18 mth old boy.
    I think we will probably find out the sex of the baby, but my spouse and I haven't even had time to chat about that yet haha. I'd be fine with either, having a boy has been really fun.

    I have a Dr appointment at the end of the month and a dating ultrasound early October. It feels far away for more confirmation, but I know the time will go fast chasing around a toddler and being back at work.

    I feel very tired! Very little nausea yet, but I had it last time so I expect it is on its way. I feel excited, but I'm a pretty anxious person (medicated for it) and had a hard time not worrying during my first pregnancy. I'm hoping I can enjoy the ride a bit more this time and believe it's all real. 

    @taytin - we don't know each other yet, but I say tell your friend now if you'd prefer to tell them in person! I know that stories out there can make the first trimester scary, but I don't regret taking the opportunity to tell people close to me in person even if it was early. If things don't progress, those are also the people who would probably be your support anyway. And it's a rare joy that we get to experience sharing that early excitement with someone special to us in person. I am telling people earlier this second time around because it's also really nice to have (the right people) people check in on me and know what I'm going through. 

    Rants/raves - yesterday when I got home from work my son, who isn't normally very cuddly, crawled into my lap and initiated some big snuggles. Been on a high from those ever since.

    I wanted to be a teacher, therapist, or broadway star. I work in arts ed so I kind of combined some of that.
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  • 4+6!

    FTM and losttttt

    Baby is the size of a millimeter?

    Team green: John and I don't care as long as they're healthy!

    First appointment October 3!

    How are you feeling?: Whelmed? Overwhelmed by all the information I thought I would have more time to research, underwhelmed by my own response to the news, I suppose? I feel like I should be more excited but I'm just sleepy.

    Rants: I wish I was hungry! I've been forcing myself to eat but I would rather hibernate.
    Raves: No morning sickness yet! I know it'll come, statistically, but I am enjoying not feeling like garbage while I can! Also treasuring every day I can still sleep on my stomach.

    Questions: I don't even know what I don't know. Please send any and all helpful tips my way!!

    GTKY: I wanted to be a marine biologist! Somehow that transitioned into Forensic Pathology, which ultimately led to where I am now at a funeral home.

    Looking forward to meeting all of you guys! Feel free to DM any time!
  • @youcanhavemanhattan were you in the March BM group for 2023??? 
  • @taytin I told my Aunt right away. I was only 4 weeks. We have told most of the important people in our lives. I figured these are the people I would need support from if a loss occurred, so why wait to share. 

    I was waiting to tell my 7 year old, but honestly might this weekend. DH keeps accidently saying things in front of her and I don't want her accidently finding out. 
  • edited September 7
    @gravcass yes! I knew I recognized your name!!
  • @youcanhavemanhattan thought I recognized you as well! Congrats! Exciting to be in the same group again 🥳
  • 5+1

     FTM-feel like I’m going crazy.

    Baby is the size of a (an): orange seed  blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: nothing scheduled yet, in contact with my women’s clinic and they are waiting for the results of todays labs to see how my HcG is doing…

    How are you feeling?: nervous, my second pregnancy was a placental abruption that almost cost me my life, I was turned away from the hospital 3 times before someone took me seriously. Had my miracle baby by c section at 34 weeks. Third pregnancy was a miscarriage. Fourth pregnancy I got my VBAC. This pregnancy is nerve wracking, I tested positive for Jka antibody and so far no doctor has gotten back to me about what this means. Just trying not to stress. But I’m stressing. 

    Rants/Raves: hate living in such a rural town, all my labs have to be trucked to a large city to then be processed and I don’t get notified for ages…also we don’t have a birthing center in our town and I barely made it to the hospital last time. So just already thinking way too far ahead. 

    Questions: what was your hcg reading if you scheduled an appt with your PCP after finding out you were pregnant ? 

    GTKY: What did you want to be growing up?
    I wanted to be reed from criminal minds.  
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