October 2024 Moms

Should I breastfeed again?

Hi! I breastfed my first baby in 2019, I was already a little underweight for my age and height, then after I started breastfeeding, food went straight through me. I felt sick, I looked sick, I was severely underweight. I couldn't enjoy the simple things in life because of it. My next baby I chose to formula feed and that was great. But now I'm close to due date with my 3rd and we aren't financially stable enough to get formula all the time. I'm having second thoughts if I should breastfeed this baby but I'm so scared. I'm on anxiety/depression meds and when I did breastfeed, my anxiety went through the roof. I'm working myself up over this but this seems to be the only option. Just wanting some advice on what you'd do! Thanks! 
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