1st Trimester

Struggling to be Excited

Hi everyone,

I’m about 6 weeks pregnant with my first. I always thought I wanted kids but now that I’m pregnant unexpectedly, I’m just struggling to be excited at all. I’m so caught up on it not being the right timing, what other people will think, etc.

I’m hating any attention people give me, and barely even want to talk to my husband about it. Is this normal?? Will it go away as I get farther along? Will I love my baby even though I’m just not excited right now?

Re: Struggling to be Excited

  • I wouldn’t say you’re wrong to have these feelings. I go from being excited, to anxious that something will happen, and then thinking can I really do this. Our hormones are all over the place. While it might not feel like it this could just be hormones. My obgyn office tracks our emotions in preparation to check for PPD after birth so when you see your doctor if your concerned about your feelings still make sure you talk to them and they can keep an eye on you. 
  • You are normal, and what you're feeling right now is normal too. Especially this would be the first time. It will pass, but start thinking about the beauty of motherhood and how lucky you are among others. Stay positive, dear.
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  • hi you are not the only one I am feeling same exact ways and worried about birth this is my first one and also not to do anything wrong so I don’t miscarry it’s really emotional and hard right now I’m praying for you and me 
  • Completely normal mumma. Talk to your partner about it, don't feel like its something you have to go through on your own. Its completely normal to have peaks and troughs in how you feel about it. Also worth keeping in mind that it will never "feel like the right time" - whats meant to be will be. Hang in there x
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