October 2024 Moms

Counting kick app recommendations?

Hi all! Lurking from the November group (due on the 6th) and wondering if anyone can recommend a good app for counting kicks. 
I don't think I have to start quite yet, but the midwife did suggest I start to be more aware of changes. 
I still work 4 to 5 days a week in an active job, so it's not ideal to be trying to record the movements all day.... It's been coming up a lot in reading and videos and seems to be a big deal, but I'm wondering if it really is. 
Kinda vague, sorry, but just wondering everyone's thoughts. 


Re: Counting kick app recommendations?

  • I don't have an app in mind, so can't answer that part. I did just ask my OB about this and, unlike a lot of the stuff I've been reading, she didn't recommend doing it militantly. She did say, as your midwife did, that it's important to be generally aware of fetal movement. Specfically, she said that if I'm feeling some consistent movement over the day, then it's fine. But if you do want to take some records, I've read you can pick an hour that's convenient for you and when you're used to feeling your baby move and just record the number of movements in that hour each day for several days to develop a baseline. So you could pick a time that works well for your work schedule. Hope that helps!
  • I just realized this app (The Bump) has a kick counter and contraction counter if you don’t want to download more apps. I haven’t used it yet but it looks like a good counter.  
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