October 2024 Moms

FTM- am I feeling sorry for myself?

Coming here knowing full well I may be acting entitled and will be told that.
I’m a FTM and I’m disappointed no one in my life has offered to host/help plan a baby shower. It’s not that I want or need a bunch of gifts. I’m overall sad that the people I care about aren’t reaching out. I want to be excited with my loved ones and celebrate this new life.

I know it takes a village to raise a child- so where’s my village?

Re: FTM- am I feeling sorry for myself?

  • I think it's understandable to want to celebrate with the people who care about you. Sorry you're feeling like people aren't reaching out.
  • Ask someone? It’s ok to want a baby shower. The people in your life may not know you are waiting for them to ask. 

    I asked my sister and best friend if they would throw me one. No big deal. They were happy to do it for me! 
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