October 2024 Moms

How accurate is ultrasound with “measuring ahead?”

Hi! I’m a FTM due with a baby boy on 10/6. I just had an elective ultrasound and the tech said he was measuring a week (and a pound 😅) ahead with an EDD of 9/22. I’m wondering for any second time moms - if this happened to before baby was born, was it accurate? I’ve heard from others that they’ve had this happen and they aren’t actually that big when they’re born.

Re: How accurate is ultrasound with “measuring ahead?”

  • I am pregnant with twins right now and they’re also measuring a week to a week and a half bigger in size right now! They’re in the 86th and 99th percentile for their gestational age and that scares me a little bit LOL! I’ve heard from the majority of people that it’s just an estimate and not always accurate - my doctor even told me to take those measurements with a grain of salt! But that means they could be smaller or bigger than the estimate haha - so hard to actually tell!
  • It’s true, these later ultrasounds just aren’t as accurate. I’ve heard everything from a pound under, to spot on, to a pound over actual birth weight. For my first, I had an ultrasound a few days before he was born and he was measuring 6lbs even; at birth he was over 7lbs. 
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