Also, I know I kinda took this over but if anyone has any GTKY questions they want to ask, feel free to start this thread or message me with the questions and I will include them on these.
Team blue/pink/green: Blue! Got the NIPT results back. Also all the results came back low risk!
Upcoming Appointments: June 26th
How are you feeling?: I'm starting to feel a lot better. I'm still tired a lot and had some bad round ligament pain this weekend but the nausea has gone away and I haven't had any dizziness or light-headedness in a while.
Rants/Raves: We finally got our bedroom floors re-done. We have been wanting to do it since we moved in over 8 years ago. The best part is we had to move all of the stuff out of the rooms and the room we are going to use for the new baby was our guestroom/office. It was so nice to see it as a "blank slate". I really started to get excited.
Questions: Thinking about the rooms, are you planning on having a theme? My sister-in-law did with both of her kids. We didn't with my daughter. We just picked out decoration that we liked. Although there is a lot of floral and her name is Violet so I guess we sort of did. lol I'm not really sure what we are going to do this time.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? The At Home store. I love home decorations. My husband is more of a minimalist but he lets me have fun.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? Mall of America. Hands down. If I had to pick a specific location, I'd like to bring Baby'sRUs back so I could buy everything I needed for the nursery. Why is everything so expensive??
How are you feeling?: Most days alright. Planning to tell my other kids after my apt Friday and will probably announce shortly after that. Will feel better not "hiding" it so to speak.
Rants/Raves: I want to buy all the cute baby things but being team green is slowing me down. I know I can buy things after the baby is born but I also just like to be prepared. I don't know if we will try to know the sex of the baby because with my first born they were wrong...
Questions: natm
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? probably somewhere lame like target or walmart, that way I could get all sorts of different kind of items, clothes, and also food. Living in Africa definitely makes me miss the ease of a one stop shop so to speak.
How are you feeling?: calmer than expected overall, but lots of moments of nervousness/anxiousness sprinkled in. So relieved that the 12 week ultrasound went well.
Rants/Raves: just wishing the nausea and fatigue would let up a little bit! I have been losing weight from the nonstop nausea/vomiting and it is stressing me out, but our little man is a healthy size and on track for his due date which gave me a lot of relief
Questions: NATM
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? Pottery Barn! So excited to start picking out furniture now that we know we are having a boy.
Good luck to everyone ❤️💙 wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy!
@kamays54 thank you for doing these! I’ve started to look forward to them every week. It’s cool to hear how everyone is doing ❤️
EDD / Weeks + Days: 13wk, 2d
Baby is the size of a (an): lemon
Team blue/pink/green: we are so ready to find out now! Did the NIPT test. Hopefully getting our results later this week!
Upcoming Appointments: Aug 8th
How are you feeling?: I’m feeling better and better. Still a little extra emotional and fatigued at the end of my work day, but I’m generally cheerful. Very excited for the 2nd trimester
Rants/Raves: My mother in law is so excited about her first grand baby that she’s threatening to buy our entire registry when we post it. Even without knowing the gender, she’s already sending us gender neutral clothes and books and stuff. Of course, I feel blessed to know my baby will have such a loving grandmother but, she’s starting to drive me a little crazy. Like I want to buy some things for my child too and he/she is only going to fit in newborn clothes for a few weeks!!! Not to mention the rest of our family and friends who will want to chip in. I’m not trying to burn any bridges here, but every time she calls to find out how we liked her most recent package, I am so tempted to say “lady, cool it!”
Questions: any advice for handling overly excited grandparents in a respectful, but assertive way?
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? Honestly I’ve been getting a kick out of making our amazon registry. If I could load up that shopping cart with everything I need (and don’t need) and click the order button with $0 to pay, they’d have to dedicate one or two Amazon trucks to my order alone. That would be a fun day
Team blue/pink/green: NIPT confirmed we're expecting at least 1 boy!! (twins)
Upcoming Appointments: July 30 US
How are you feeling?: Very relieved that the 12 week scan and NIPT went well! Still so tired.
Rants/Raves: Kind of a rave...Technology is amazing! At our 12 week scan, our doctor gave us a 3D photo of our little twins and it's just incredible! I'll try to include it below because WOW!! No doubt that there are 2 little babies in there! Aside from the 3D photo, my husband and I were just amazed at the level of detail present on the babies at only 12 weeks...we got to see both hemispheres of their brains, the ventricles of their hearts pumping, the direction of bloodflow, their kidneys, spines, their fingers and toes, the babies moving around, and more. Seriously just so surreal and what an incredible thing that our bodies know how to do this! Made me cry.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I'm with @ndthornburg, if I could just receive my baby registry on Amazon that would be amazing lol
How are you feeling?: Hanging in there! Feels like you replace one symptom for another so just managing my mental health and emotions! No more nausea which is great but the exhaustion is so severe!
Rants/Raves: Big old rant, we decided right now is a great time to buy a house and it’s stressful. I have to keep reminding our realtor that I am pregnant and really need to take it easy, not see so many houses and leave some of the stressful negotiations (which I normally love!) to my husband. He always gets my input but I just need to be kept away from the craziness! I don’t know if we are stupid or what 🤷🏼♀️
Questions: Any tips from anyone with a stressful job or other life stresses on how best to manage?
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Gosh, I love shopping and already do a ton of damage online. I don’t go to stores very much anymore because the variety and ease of being online is so great! That said, I’d probably go to one of our great malls here in So Cal! I wouldn’t limit myself to one store, take on the whole mall!! 😂
I'm so glad to hear that people are enjoying these. I know some people don't like structure/organization to the boards but I feel like these really help to get to know all of you better and really make connections.
To those who mentioned malls and Amazon, so smart! I didn't even think of those lol. Oh and @kmtz89 I love Target and Walmart. Definitely not lame and similar to the mall idea!
@ndthornburg no real advice here. I'm so passive especially with my in-laws. Well at least I have been but these hormone have been bringing some big feelings to the surface. I usually let my husband handle things with his family but this baby might change that. That is a tough situation but also really sweet that she is so excited.
@kendyb77 how amazing! Look at those two! It really is amazing. I'm not sure if you are feeling them yet but I always find it weird when you see them moving around a lot but you don't feel anything.
@jojosesame again, no real advice just moral support! Buying a home in general is stressful so give yourself some slack, you're not stupid! When you find the right house it will all be worth it.
How are you feeling?: so much better. I’m still waiting for that second trimester energy I’ve heard rumors about, but the nausea seems to have passed and I’m so grateful for that.
Rants/Raves: natm
Questions: If you have a glider that you love, what kind is it? I’m bummed that all the baby stores seem to be online only now. I want to be able to sit in a glider first to make sure it’s comfortable, I hate to gamble on an online purchase and then try to return some giant box.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I feel like I should say something more glamorous but probably Target. They have it all! And it’s extra exciting to go now that I’ve unlocked a new section to shop in. Hello cute baby stuff.
@ndthornburg could you have your husband run interference for you? Tell her you love everything she’s sending and are excited that she’s excited but need time to organize the registry/baby’s room/insert excuse here before you can accept more gifts.
How are you feeling?: way better lately. Nausea is starting to taper off, I’m not as tired, getting in workouts. The only down side is that I’m also more cantankerous and have less patience with people in general including my husband and son.
Raves: while early, I’m fairly certain that I’ve been feeling flutters while I’m sitting still or lying in bed. Between those and the growing bump, this is starting to feel more and more real.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Home Depot for Sure!! I have a huge list of projects and eventual upgrades I’d like for our house including an all season room addition off of the kitchen, so I could majorly do some damage if I didn’t have to stick to a budget!
How are you feeling?: a little nervous today. We haven’t had confirmation she is progressing appropriately for 5 weeks and so tomorrow will be a real test. Physically I can’t complain at all. A little tired but weirdly I have less reflux during pregnancy than is baseline for me…it’s so random. It’s also crazy to watch a little bump begin to show up.
Rants/Raves: I ranted about my husband in the past for not participating as much as I’d hoped but he gets a rave today. As I mentioned in another post, he purchased his own baby books, is reading them, and signed up to begin therapy because he believes it will help him be a better father and husband. Feeling really blessed to be with him 🥹
Questions: NATM
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? Jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. I’m not proud of it, but they have EVERYTHING and I’m just a practical lady lol
@jojosesame, this is a great question. It sounds like you are already setting and communicating your own boundaries (around house hunting) for self care, which is huge. I also make sure to protect time for the little things I enjoy or that relax me - exercise, quality time with friends, reading/favorite shows. And another key is SLEEP! Quality sleep is essential to stress management (and also a healthy pregnancy…as much is possible haha).
Team blue/pink/green: Just found out Monday that we are TEAM PINK!! So excited to be having another girl!
Upcoming Appointments: Just left my 12w appt. Everything is great!
How are you feeling?: Still pretty tired and my nose is stuffy but other than that pretty good.
Rants/Raves: got our NIPT results back and everything came back negative so we are stoked about that!
Questions: Omg what crib mattress are you guys using?! I can’t remember what I used for my first and I went to look at some yesterday and some of them are upwards of $300?!?!? I was shocked hahaha.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? The grocery store 🙃😂
How are you feeling?: I am feeling pretty good! My clothes are starting to feel pretty tight as my belly grows. I have dealt with some disordered eating and body dysmorphia in the past. So having my stomach get bigger has made me feel pretty uncomfortable in my body. I am hoping that once the bump looks more "bump-like" I will feel more comfortable.
Rants/Raves: After waiting for the NIPT results to come back, we found out that our midwife clinic never actually drew the sample and sent it to the lab. So, got the labs drawn on Monday and now we have to wait another 2 weeks. I am feeling pretty frustrated.
Questions: What are y'all doing for maternity clothes? I have been thinking a lot about how I can buy clothes that I could still wear post-pregnancy. The summertime seems easier because I can wear a lot of flowy sundresses but I am feeling a little worried about going through third trimester during the winter and holiday season.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?: the housing market lol My husband and I live in a tiny 700sqft 1bedroom shotgun house that we love (her name is shotgun Sally and she is 123 years old) but we are feeling a little worried about having a baby in this house for various reasons. But the housing market in our city is WILD. The cost of homes in our area has increased by about 40% in the last 2-3 years and we are feeling pretty priced out!
@bcml, that is BRUTAL about the NIPT situation. I would be so angry lol. I totally feel you on the housing market. Ours has increased by a ton too and we can’t afford to move for several years with our amazing interest rate from 2020. Only downside is our school district here is BAD 😣
Hi fellow mamas and mamas-to-be! This is my first time posting, I have held off for awhile as I've had a history of miscarriages + (very) advanced maternal age, but have been reading for the past few months! I'll do a quick intro in the GTKY/Intros thread
Separately, I am wondering if others are interested in adding a few more categories to the Weekly Check-Ins as I'm finding it difficult to keep track of everyone's background. Ex: Location, Estimated Due Date, AMA (for my own selfish purposes, would be nice to know who else is AMA, especially over 40)
EDD / Weeks + Days: 15 weeks + 2 days
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM, I'm thinking of starting an “Over 40 FTM" group in the Over 35 board
Baby is the size of a (an): Navel Orange, according to The Bump
Team blue/pink/green: it's a boy!
Upcoming Appointments: Week 19 routine check-up on August 13th
How are you feeling?: I thought 2nd trimester would be an overnight switch to how I felt pre-pregnancy (some girlfriends shared with me) - turns out that's not the case for me lol. I have some good days and some bad days. I unfortunately gag every time I eat, and still need more rest than usual. Definitely better than the 1st trimester, but still have some lingering symptoms. . .
Rants/Raves: Not sure which category this falls under, as I label it as a eustress which is considered "good" stress in psychology. My husband is active duty military and unexpectedly got orders to work at the Pentagon, so we are doing a quick move, currently based on O'ahu, Hawai'i and moving to the Washington D.C. area. We found this out a few weeks ago, and are having to move now in about a month. Obviously, we'll miss island paradise (we both LOVE it here), but with baby on the way, we will be closer to family and close friends who are mostly based in the NE and South. Of course, the military doesn't make moves easy, so having to coordinate such a quick move and doing it during pregnancy is a (good) stressor, but we're taking it in stride!
Questions: Maybe a GTKY for another week, but am wondering what are and where is everyone getting prenatal workout recommendations? I'm keeping things light, and have saved a few The Bump articles, but I'd love to start creating more variety aside from morning walks and some of the same strength exercises and yoga poses lol.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I am totally with those who mentioned home decor and home buying! I love pottery barn, west elm, interior define, crate and barrel, Anthropologie, and more (love home decor!) - - and we are also house hunting in this crazy market with crazy interest rates.
@bcml I'm so sorry that happened with the NIPT. That's so frustrating.
As for the clothing, I bought maternity leggings and I still had some maternity jeans and jean shorts from the last time. I have a few cute T-shirts that I bought last time but most of my tops that I have work fine. Just a few that don't have much stretch are going to the back of the closet lol. I will say that I wore the maternity pants for a while after my daughter was born. I had a c-section and it was just so much more comfortable to wear those.
@peacefuladventures welcome! I can absolutely add those to the check-ins. I think we have a good amount of moms that are both AMA and FTM so you are in good company.
How are you feeling?: Better in some ways, worse in others! My energy is better in the first half of the day, but I've been hitting a major wall around 2-3 pm every day over the past week. I haven't been as ravenously hungry recently, so I'm wondering if I haven't been eating enough. I just have a hard time figuring out what sounds good, and I get full quickly so it feels like enough in the moment - but maybe not!
Rants/Raves: Because of Prime Day this week, we got a lot of suggestions for baby gear, and we did end up buying a nice baby monitor kit on sale. It hit me how expensive this is going to be
Questions: Is anyone else experiencing hair loss? I thought it was supposed to stay full during pregnancy! It's not awful, I've had more dramatic hair loss in the past (due to health and stress issues), but I do feel like I'm shedding more than usual.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I have to join the Target people in this one. It's too hard to choose otherwise, but they have everything I could possibly want! Also they have the best sour gummi watermelon candies, if that's your thing.
@bcml I'm with you, I'm trying to buy clothes that I can still wear post baby! I found GREAT leggings on Amazon (CRZ YOGA butterluxe super high waisted) that are normal but super soft and stretchy, and have been comfy over my stomach. I just sized up one from my pre-preg size - I figure it will take me a long time (if ever) to get back to my former size so I may as well have things on hand! I also bought some stretchy pull-on shorts - again, sized up - and I've been on the lookout for maxi dresses. I don't know what I'll do in the winter... maybe warm dresses with maternity tights? I will probably end up buying at least one pair of actual maternity jeans, but I'm trying not to go all in there.
@peacefuladventures I'm a fan of the Plus+1 app by Stronger By the Day/Megsquats. It's lifting programming along with a ton of resources, created specifically pregnancy, plus there's a postpartum program. I haven't actually been using it because I've been too tired lol but I've done their regular person programming and it's always fantastic.
Thank you for the rec! I’ll check the app out. I just started attempting to have somewhat of a workout routine. I didn’t do anything my first 13ish weeks except for maybe getting 2 20 min walks in. That was all I could muster up to do! Now with fading symptoms and more energy, trying to get more movement in.
@peacefuladventures great to have you! I am 42 years old and having a grand old time (somewhat true and somewhat not! 💕 Happy to connect about being at the higher end of AMA!
EDD / Weeks + Days: January 29th, 12 weeks and 2 days
FTM/STM/TTM+: (I believe this means first time mom?)
Baby is the size of a (an): plum
Team blue/pink/green: green (results are in but we want to be surprised day of delivery)
Upcoming Appointments: Monday, July 22nd (genetic testing ultrasound)
How are you feeling?: getting better. Was very nauseous for 5 weeks starting at week 7. Starting to subside. Tired and anxious. Will feel some relief if we receive good results on Monday. Hormones fluctuate making me have mood swings. Lots of peeing, insomnia, and hungry but not wanting to eat.
Rants/Raves: not at the moment
Questions: how do you deal with awaiting results? I had a miscarriage in March and am super anxious about this pregnancy and pray all goes well.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? Amazon, walmart, and/ or target. Really miss buy buy baby and babies r us.
Team blue/pink/green: pretty sure blue based on last ultrasound but will confirm in august.
Upcoming Appointments: august 15 for anatomy scan, sept 10 for midwife.
How are you feeling?: so much better. The last two days i haven’t taken my medicine because i forgot but I've been doing good so hope i can just quit taking. Im almost 17 weeks and thats when i start feeling normal in the past so 🤞🏼
Rants/Raves: just loving summer, feeling better and enjoying slow days with my girls.
Questions: not right now
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Can I say goodwill and go to multiple different stores?😜 i love second hand stores, especially finding little wooden bowls and stuff to add to my girls play kitchens. I despise plastic toys so I’ve slowly been creating a kitchen with wood items. I also like the variety of clothes, styles and other treasures i find!
also to answer a question i saw above, i highly recommend Mommastrong for workouts. She also has “fix-me” videos which have been so helpful for my many aches and pains i get during pregnancy. I showed some of the videos to my physical therapist and she prescribed me to do mommastrong at least 3x a week and said i didnt need to come back to her unless i felt like i needed to😅 mommastrong is way cheaper than PT (only $14 a month) so i appreciated my PT being honest.
@ndthornburg re: over excited grandparents I get not wanting to burn bridges because truly I appreciate generous grandparents but its also stressful. I’ve made myself a rule that i cant get mad about something that i didnt say anything about. My MIL has chilled since we now have two kids and dont need much but there’s been lots of small conversations throughout the years. One of them being, if she buy toys that are not for birthdays or christmas, they have to stay at her house. We live in a small house and already i feel overrun with toys. As far as clothes, i started sewing and now try to sew a lot of my girls clothes. Or if im buying something i only buy it if they really need it or i can buy matching for them. My MIL knows this and tries to do the same with buying matching or asking me my opinion before buying. My MIL is observant though so these mini conversations have helped. Had they not i probably would have to be more direct and i hate confrontation💀 one thing ive never said anything about is when she knits things for the girls in styles that are just…funky😬 or in ugly colors. I have told her “right now the girls have lots of clothes/knitted items(sweaters, hats, mittens, etc) but if they’re needing more i’ll let you know!” Then i intentionally will find a pattern and yarn color i like and place my order. I hate asking for her to buy things but i also know she really wants to spoil the girls and its my job to show her how in ways that can bless the whole family and not be a burden. Or if i don't, I can’t have the right to complain. Ive also had to just relax and accept that spoiling my kids is her job and one of her love languages is gifts so she’s doing exactly what she should be doing.
@peacefuladventures “young” AMA (34 turning 35 before EDD) & FTM here I haven’t posted yet due to low energy & sickness not letting me get very excited yet, but hoping to feel better in 2nd trimester soon & get in the conversation
@kirstie_r I felt the same way during my first 15ish weeks, and completely useless my first trimester. But reading through others’ posts really helped and lifted me, even though I wasn’t participating, so I really appreciate everyone in this January 2025 group!
Re: Weekly Check-in, w/o July 15th
Baby is the size of a (an): Navel Orange
Team blue/pink/green: Blue! Got the NIPT results back. Also all the results came back low risk!
How are you feeling?: I'm starting to feel a lot better. I'm still tired a lot and had some bad round ligament pain this weekend but the nausea has gone away and I haven't had any dizziness or light-headedness in a while.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? The At Home store. I love home decorations. My husband is more of a minimalist but he lets me have fun.
Baby is the size of a (an): Lemon
Team blue/pink/green: I want to know so bad lol
How are you feeling?: anxious
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Mall of America. Hands down. If I had to pick a specific location, I'd like to bring Baby'sRUs back so I could buy everything I needed for the nursery. Why is everything so expensive??
EDD / Weeks + Days: Jan 2, 15 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of a (an): hass avocado
Team blue/pink/green: green
How are you feeling?: Most days alright. Planning to tell my other kids after my apt Friday and will probably announce shortly after that. Will feel better not "hiding" it so to speak.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? probably somewhere lame like target or walmart, that way I could get all sorts of different kind of items, clothes, and also food. Living in Africa definitely makes me miss the ease of a one stop shop so to speak.
EDD / Weeks + Days: january 20th! 13w1d
Good luck to everyone ❤️💙 wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Baby is the size of a (an): lemon
Team blue/pink/green: we are so ready to find out now! Did the NIPT test. Hopefully getting our results later this week!
How are you feeling?: I’m feeling better and better. Still a little extra emotional and fatigued at the end of my work day, but I’m generally cheerful. Very excited for the 2nd trimester
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Honestly I’ve been getting a kick out of making our amazon registry. If I could load up that shopping cart with everything I need (and don’t need) and click the order button with $0 to pay, they’d have to dedicate one or two Amazon trucks to my order alone. That would be a fun day
Baby is the size of a (an): Post-it Note
Team blue/pink/green: NIPT confirmed we're expecting at least 1 boy!! (twins)
How are you feeling?: Very relieved that the 12 week scan and NIPT went well! Still so tired.
Baby is the size of a (an): avocado
Team blue/pink/green: blue 💙
How are you feeling?: Hanging in there! Feels like you replace one symptom for another so just managing my mental health and emotions! No more nausea which is great but the exhaustion is so severe!
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Gosh, I love shopping and already do a ton of damage online. I don’t go to stores very much anymore because the variety and ease of being online is so great! That said, I’d probably go to one of our great malls here in So Cal! I wouldn’t limit myself to one store, take on the whole mall!! 😂
To those who mentioned malls and Amazon, so smart! I didn't even think of those lol. Oh and @kmtz89 I love Target and Walmart. Definitely not lame and similar to the mall idea!
@ndthornburg no real advice here. I'm so passive especially with my in-laws. Well at least I have been but these hormone have been bringing some big feelings to the surface. I usually let my husband handle things with his family but this baby might change that. That is a tough situation but also really sweet that she is so excited.
@kendyb77 how amazing! Look at those two! It really is amazing. I'm not sure if you are feeling them yet but I always find it weird when you see them moving around a lot but you don't feel anything.
@jojosesame again, no real advice just moral support! Buying a home in general is stressful so give yourself some slack, you're not stupid! When you find the right house it will all be worth it.
Baby is the size of a (an): orange
Team blue/pink/green: pink
How are you feeling?: so much better. I’m still waiting for that second trimester energy I’ve heard rumors about, but the nausea seems to have passed and I’m so grateful for that.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I feel like I should say something more glamorous but probably Target. They have it all! And it’s extra exciting to go now that I’ve unlocked a new section to shop in. Hello cute baby stuff.
Baby is the size of a (an): lemon
Team blue/pink/green: pink
How are you feeling?: way better lately. Nausea is starting to taper off, I’m not as tired, getting in workouts. The only down side is that I’m also more cantankerous and have less patience with people in general including my husband and son.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Home Depot for Sure!! I have a huge list of projects and eventual upgrades I’d like for our house including an all season room addition off of the kitchen, so I could majorly do some damage if I didn’t have to stick to a budget!
Baby is the size of a (an): lemon
Team blue/pink/green: pink
How are you feeling?: a little nervous today. We haven’t had confirmation she is progressing appropriately for 5 weeks and so tomorrow will be a real test. Physically I can’t complain at all. A little tired but weirdly I have less reflux during pregnancy than is baseline for me…it’s so random. It’s also crazy to watch a little bump begin to show up.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
Jumping on the Amazon bandwagon. I’m not proud of it, but they have EVERYTHING and I’m just a practical lady lol
Baby is the size of a (an): Lime!
Team blue/pink/green: Just found out Monday that we are TEAM PINK!! So excited to be having another girl!
How are you feeling?: Still pretty tired and my nose is stuffy but other than that pretty good.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? The grocery store 🙃😂
Baby is the size of a (an): navel orange
Team blue/pink/green: still green
How are you feeling?: I am feeling pretty good! My clothes are starting to feel pretty tight as my belly grows. I have dealt with some disordered eating and body dysmorphia in the past. So having my stomach get bigger has made me feel pretty uncomfortable in my body. I am hoping that once the bump looks more "bump-like" I will feel more comfortable.
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?: the housing market lol My husband and I live in a tiny 700sqft 1bedroom shotgun house that we love (her name is shotgun Sally and she is 123 years old) but we are feeling a little worried about having a baby in this house for various reasons. But the housing market in our city is WILD. The cost of homes in our area has increased by about 40% in the last 2-3 years and we are feeling pretty priced out!
Separately, I am wondering if others are interested in adding a few more categories to the Weekly Check-Ins as I'm finding it difficult to keep track of everyone's background. Ex: Location, Estimated Due Date, AMA (for my own selfish purposes, would be nice to know who else is AMA, especially over 40)
EDD / Weeks + Days: 15 weeks + 2 days
Baby is the size of a (an): Navel Orange, according to The Bump
Team blue/pink/green: it's a boy!
How are you feeling?: I thought 2nd trimester would be an overnight switch to how I felt pre-pregnancy (some girlfriends shared with me) - turns out that's not the case for me lol. I have some good days and some bad days. I unfortunately gag every time I eat, and still need more rest than usual. Definitely better than the 1st trimester, but still have some lingering symptoms. . .
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I am totally with those who mentioned home decor and home buying! I love pottery barn, west elm, interior define, crate and barrel, Anthropologie, and more (love home decor!) - - and we are also house hunting in this crazy market with crazy interest rates.
As for the clothing, I bought maternity leggings and I still had some maternity jeans and jean shorts from the last time. I have a few cute T-shirts that I bought last time but most of my tops that I have work fine. Just a few that don't have much stretch are going to the back of the closet lol. I will say that I wore the maternity pants for a while after my daughter was born. I had a c-section and it was just so much more comfortable to wear those.
@peacefuladventures welcome! I can absolutely add those to the check-ins. I think we have a good amount of moms that are both AMA and FTM so you are in good company.
Baby is the size of a: peach
Team blue/pink/green: blue
How are you feeling?: Better in some ways, worse in others! My energy is better in the first half of the day, but I've been hitting a major wall around 2-3 pm every day over the past week. I haven't been as ravenously hungry recently, so I'm wondering if I haven't been eating enough. I just have a hard time figuring out what sounds good, and I get full quickly so it feels like enough in the moment - but maybe not!
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be? I have to join the Target people in this one. It's too hard to choose otherwise, but they have everything I could possibly want! Also they have the best sour gummi watermelon candies, if that's your thing.
@peacefuladventures I'm a fan of the Plus+1 app by Stronger By the Day/Megsquats. It's lifting programming along with a ton of resources, created specifically pregnancy, plus there's a postpartum program. I haven't actually been using it because I've been too tired lol but I've done their regular person programming and it's always fantastic.
EDD / Weeks + Days: January 29th, 12 weeks and 2 days
Baby is the size of a (an): an avacado
Team blue/pink/green: pretty sure blue based on last ultrasound but will confirm in august.
How are you feeling?: so much better. The last two days i haven’t taken my medicine because i forgot but I've been doing good so hope i can just quit taking. Im almost 17 weeks and thats when i start feeling normal in the past so 🤞🏼
GTKY: If you could go on a shopping spree anywhere, where would it be?
also to answer a question i saw above, i highly recommend Mommastrong for workouts. She also has “fix-me” videos which have been so helpful for my many aches and pains i get during pregnancy. I showed some of the videos to my physical therapist and she prescribed me to do mommastrong at least 3x a week and said i didnt need to come back to her unless i felt like i needed to😅 mommastrong is way cheaper than PT (only $14 a month) so i appreciated my PT being honest.
@ndthornburg re: over excited grandparents
I get not wanting to burn bridges because truly I appreciate generous grandparents but its also stressful. I’ve made myself a rule that i cant get mad about something that i didnt say anything about. My MIL has chilled since we now have two kids and dont need much but there’s been lots of small conversations throughout the years. One of them being, if she buy toys that are not for birthdays or christmas, they have to stay at her house. We live in a small house and already i feel overrun with toys. As far as clothes, i started sewing and now try to sew a lot of my girls clothes. Or if im buying something i only buy it if they really need it or i can buy matching for them. My MIL knows this and tries to do the same with buying matching or asking me my opinion before buying. My MIL is observant though so these mini conversations have helped. Had they not i probably would have to be more direct and i hate confrontation💀 one thing ive never said anything about is when she knits things for the girls in styles that are just…funky😬 or in ugly colors. I have told her “right now the girls have lots of clothes/knitted items(sweaters, hats, mittens, etc) but if they’re needing more i’ll let you know!” Then i intentionally will find a pattern and yarn color i like and place my order. I hate asking for her to buy things but i also know she really wants to spoil the girls and its my job to show her how in ways that can bless the whole family and not be a burden. Or if i don't, I can’t have the right to complain. Ive also had to just relax and accept that spoiling my kids is her job and one of her love languages is gifts so she’s doing exactly what she should be doing.
enjoying everyones posts in the meantime!
and… Nice to meet another AMA FTM! 🤍