Hi all, I could really use your help!! Our baby boy has usually been pretty good about day time naps of 2 to 2.5 hours and night time naps of 3 to 3.5 hours. But the past two days have been tough, very tough in fact.
He seems to feed for so long (40 mins to a hour) and then wakes up in about an hour for his next feed. He also got very fussy and probably tired himself out. Wonder if anyone experienced this at 5 weeks? I tracked his activities through the day and he did not sleep enough. He is sleeping now peacefully but hope he gets some longer sleep.
I recently had a lactation consultant appt and they have no concerns about his weight or feeding since he is 10+ lbs now and he took about 1.2 oz breastmilk during his weighted feed. He is fully on breastmilk, mostly breastfed and given a bottle 2 to 3 times a day.
We are also well read on all the soothing techniques and most of them always worked but in the past two days, only feeding and vertical shoulder holds have worked.
Re: Having a really tough day today