1st Trimester

Positive home pregnancy test

What all i expect from my first appointment with my doctor after taking a home pregnancy test that was positive? What are some of your experiences?

Re: Positive home pregnancy test

  • Generally the first appointment will just be confirmation of pregnancy. The doctor will collect a pee sample from you, and then probably need to get some information from you, such as the date of your last period. You might get a bedside ultrasound, which is usually very low resolution, and you may or may not see anything depending on how far along you are. Then they'll probably schedule a viability/dating ultrasound for you as well as schedule your next prenatal appt in a few weeks (usually they will want to see you every 4wks).
  • nken20nken20 member
    Normally, your doctor will get a pee sample for testing to confirm if you're really pregnant or not. It will also depends but most probably, your doctor will schedule an appointment for your ultrasound.
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