October 2024 Moms

Weekly Check-In (6/17 - 6/23) ☕️

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an):

Team blue/pink/green: 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: If you could relive one day of your life so far what day would it be?

Re: Weekly Check-In (6/17 - 6/23) ☕️

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 13 / 23wk+2


    Baby is the size of a (an): grapefruit

    Team blue/pink/green: pink

    Upcoming Appointments: 7/11 for ob appt and glucose screening

    How are you feeling?: Definitely been in a slight fatigue and achy slump. It's not so bad, but it's starting to get annoying. I really need to focus on doing more stretching and yoga.

    Rants/Raves: My husband finally felt the baby move earlier this week! I've been trying to get him to feel the movement for a while, because I've been sure they've been strong enough for him to feel, but somehow we kept getting the timing wrong.
    Also, does anyone else find the movement kind of jarring and annoying/uncomfortable? Like sometimes it's not so bad, but other times I find the kicks super uncomfortable and I just wish they would stop lol. Especially when it's happening when I'm trying to go to bed, or when they go on for sooo long. I feel like I've only ever heard about people talking about how "magical" it feels, but sometimes I just feel like my organs are getting pummeled.

    Questions: Any advice for calming baby down when she's super active? I've tried pressing and rubbing my belly, and that works while I'm doing it, but then she'll just start kicking like crazy again when I stop. :'(

    GTKY: If you could relive one day of your life so far what day would it be? Ooh that's tough. I might just be cheesy and say my wedding day. But maybe just the reception part, the getting ready and the ceremony were so nerve-wracking lol, and I also didn't like having to pose for all the photos and things. I just want to relive the food and party portion :D
    If I could relive like a full week then I would totally pick my honeymoon :D
  • @lizzzy217 I find the movements a bit distracting sometimes. Moving around seems to calm down the movements for me, but this doesn’t help when you’re in bed and trying to sleep 🤪.
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  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 8th/24+1


    Baby is the size of a (an): cantaloupe 

    Team blue/pink/green: blue 

    Upcoming Appointments: repeat glucose and 2nd repeat anatomy 6/25

    How are you feeling?: feeling pretty good. We are moving and that is tiring me out most days, but enjoying the summer at splash pads and the lake with my 5yo. 

    Rants/Raves: I was excited about getting a whole bunch of long-sleeve footed and non-footed zippered onesies for sale on primary.com. it's all 50% off and if you give them your email they send an additional 20% off your first order, so each one was only $6.60. I got 10 different solid colors and they are all organic bamboo and SO soft! I may order more before the sale ends,  LOL

    Questions: anyone have the Hatch and is it worth it more than something similar for a better price point? We are looking into getting two separate speakers/lights to go in each child's room, and want ones with built-in bedtime sounds like white noise, waves, etc, but that can also be used to play music via Bluetooth or wifi. We wouldn't sign up for the subscription with Hatch for the additional sound/story options if that is a deciding factor. 

    GTKY: If you could relive one day of your life so far what day would it be? Ooohh, one day is SO hard bc I've been lucky enough to take some awesome trips and have some great experiences. Maybe just a simple summer day during one of our family reunions we hosted at my grandparent's house. Being able to climb up into my grandma's lap, swimming with cousins who aren't here with us anymore, laughing hysterically during family talent shows. I miss those days so much. 

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 23rd / 22 weeks


    Baby is the size of a (an): Coconut

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Tomorrow for a routine prenatal visit

    How are you feeling?: So tired. We got back from England late on Friday night and I tested positive for covid on Sunday. Luckily it hasn’t been a terrible case of covid, mostly headaches, sore throat and exhaustion, but no fevers. But pair that with jet lag and a very healthy energetic toddler and… 😵‍💫 Oh and did I mention we thought it was a good time to potty train my 21 month old?? It actually is a good time because we can’t leave the house so we are doing the naked method and so far it’s going pretty well. But I can’t wait to be on the other side of this week! 

    Rants/Raves: Rave - I got completely hooked on the book “Fourth Wing” and then devoured “Iron Flame” on my vacation. I never took myself as a romantasy genre girl but alas, I think now I can’t look back. I also have started reading “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” which is really good so far. It feels so good to be reading again after taking (literally) years off. 

    Questions: None at the moment but to answer the above:

    @hollyvenelle - we got the Hatch sound machine and it is pretty great quality, I don’t know a lot about the cheaper competing options though. I like that you can adjust everything very easily from your phone and I like that it doesn’t always have to be plugged in. We honestly kind of stopped using it after the newborn stage when we realized my daughter doesn’t need a sound machine to sleep well. She has a toniebox and we now put her down for bed/naps with that because she loves the songs and stories. I have heard the hatch is great for toddler years when your baby isn’t in a crib anymore and you can set the Hatch to change colors at a certain time which tells your toddler that they can get out of bed. I think that has saved a lot of parents from being woken up at 5 am haha. 

    GTKY: If you could relive one day of your life so far what day would it be? It’s really hard to choose! I think I would pick the day my (now) husband and I hiked up to Machu Picchu, it was just so incredible it left me speechless.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 24 + 3


    Baby is the size of a (an): cantaloupe

    Team blue/pink/green: Girl!

    Upcoming Appointments: Just did my glucose test yesterday—I passed! 👍 next check up is mid-July 

    How are you feeling?: Great!! Loving being pregnant and really enjoying second trimester!! 🥰 

    Rants/Raves: Rant: I hate ants 
    Rave: just loving this whole journey!

    Questions: When are people planning to do their showers?

    GTKY: If you could relive one day of your life so far what day would it be? Oh gosh, great question! I love the ideas of wedding day and days spent with family and loved ones. 💕 I can’t really choose a specific day for now, but maybe something will come to me. 
  • @hollyvenelle I found the Hatch really useful for night feedings and diaper changes. We used the sound functionality for the first little while but it didn’t seem to help my baby sleep better so we mainly relied on the light functionality. We no longer use it now that we no longer do night feedings. The quality is great and I like that I could control the level and type of light on my phone. I don’t have experience with other similar products so I am not able to provide a comparison.
  • @cheeeeeeeese We are planning our shower for late August. I think I'll be ~33wks at that point? Which feels like good timing. It's soooo hot where I live so August temps are still gonna be in the low 100F range but if we tried to plan it any earlier I would worry about people getting heatstroke. We might even do early September if we think we can push it out any further just for slightly better temps.
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