When DD was a baby, I was a freak when it came to cleaning her toys on a regular basis but I am definitely slacking now that she's older.
How often do you clean your toddlers toys? What do you use to clean them and do you clean them less often as they've gotten older?
I guess it used to gross me out (for lack of a better phrase) more when she was younger because EVERYTHING went in her mouth.
Re: How often do you clean your toddler's toys?
I never clean Jack's toys either.
Once I wiped all the toys down with clorox wipes b/c my cousin told me 3 hours into a visit that her kid had had strep throat THE DAY BEFORE THEY CAME THE FREAK OVER, but usually, no cleaning.?
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
ditto cristiana.
how are you doing snowflake???