Upcoming Appointments: June 20th for prenantal check up
How are you feeling?: I have been having a lot of pain in the right side of my hip. I notice it mostly when I stand up after I’ve been sitting down and it’s so uncomfortable I’ve been limping around. I think it’s the joint that hurts but not sure what exactly is causing it. Otherwise I’ve been pretty good. We are on “vacation” in England for 2 weeks (heading home Friday) and it was been fun but exhausting. We always have so much to do here to try and see all of my husband’s family and friends, and we started the trip off roughly with a stomach flu that all 3 of us caught. My daughter threw up about 10 times on the flight over… looking forward to being back home in my own bed soon with no social plans.
Rants/Raves: Rave - I love feeling baby boy move. He moves so much and so dramatically that my husband can feel him easily when he puts his hand on my stomach. Rant - see above about stomach flu travel nightmares… I am really dreading the 10 hour flight on Friday with my toddler.
Questions: Any tips for hip joint pain?
GTKY: What’s a career different than your own that you would have liked to pursue? I would have loved to write novels. Creative writing was a huge passion of mine in High School. It may still be something I come back to later in life
Baby is the size of a (an): Grapefruit, as tall as a Barbie! 😂
Team blue/pink/green: girl
Upcoming Appointments: July 15, monthly checkup
How are you feeling?: Great! Loving being pregnant!! (Though I do have a cold, and that’s annoying…but otherwise great!)
Rants/Raves: Rant: I also love feeling my baby move around and kick! I have an anterior placenta, so my partner hasn’t been able to feel them yet, but hopefully soon! 🤞💕
Questions: We are looking into a doula for the birth, but it’s extremely expensive where I live. Anyone have experience and can help me rationalize the value of this?
GTKY: What’s a career different than your own that you would have liked to pursue? I LOVE to bake and have thought many times about pursuing it as a career! I just fear I may come to not love it as much if I feel pressure to get so much done and done right.
Upcoming Appointments: 7/10 with midwife for 26 week glucose test
How are you feeling?: up and down; my husband is going through a really difficult situation (that’s also positive in many ways) that requires a lot of support from me, both practical and emotional. I’m feeling pretty maxed out.
Rants/Raves: the one thing I’m happy about is I’ve been able to get in three workouts so far this week! I use the Get Mom Strong app and I love her pregnancy program.
GTKY: What’s a career different than your own that you would have liked to pursue? I think I would have liked to be a park ranger! Or a nurse. I love being outside, and I find myself drawn to caregiving roles.
How are you feeling?: pretty good, still tired all the time. Not sure where that second trimester energy is… never came for me! Also haven’t felt baby move definitively, but not sure what would be baby and what is other things happening in my belly.
Rants/Raves: raves- I got a second prenatal massage today… highly recommend! Helps my back a lot!
Rant… I’ve been waking up with neuropathy in my hands/arms. Going to ask about it tomorrow.
Questions: when did you first feel baby moving?
GTKY: What’s a career different than your own that you would have liked to pursue? A hairstylist! I’m a digital marketer and love it, but also love the ability to change up hair and would love to do other people’s!
Upcoming Appointments: 7/11 OB appt + glucose screening
How are you feeling?: Definitely heavy lately, noticing the back pain a lot more lately. I feel like I get up sooo slowly now. I'm definitely gonna have to start making sure I do stretching/yoga/exercises daily now. I think I really need it.
Rants/Raves: It's been sooo hot here lately. I wish I could spend more time outside moving around but it's basically impossible right now. I did get some pool time earlier this week though, and I was able to do some hip exercises which felt great without the added strain of gravity.
Questions: None today.
GTKY: What’s a career different than your own that you would have liked to pursue?
That's tough, but I think I would've loved to do something in the plant science sphere. Maybe like a horticulturalist at a botanical garden or something like that. My dream "retired" job is a librarian lol.
@ledelight - I was trying really hard to pay attention for movement, so I thought I was feeling something around 13wks, but I wasn't certain if it was actually movement or not. By 15wks I was 100% sure I was feeling movement though, and by 18wks the amount of movement I was feeling was crazy.
@ledelight I think it depends on where your placenta sits. With my first, I had placenta anterior so I did not feel baby movements until much later (around 27 weeks?). With my current pregnancy, I have placenta posterior, and in addition to knowing what I’m looking for this time around, I felt baby move really early on and my husband was able to feel baby move around 19 weeks.
@ledelight I have an anterior placenta too. I was feeling little bits of things for a while, and the past couple of weeks (22 and 23) I’ve been feeling a ton of movement! Not yet consistent enough for my partner to catch the strong kicks around the placenta, but soon I hope! 🤞💕
Re: Weekly Check-In (6/10 - 6/16) ☀️