October 2024 Moms

Weekly Check-In (6/3 - 6/9) 🐝

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an):

Team blue/pink/green: 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? 

Re: Weekly Check-In (6/3 - 6/9) 🐝

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 13th / 21wk+3


    Baby is the size of a (an): endive

    Team blue/pink/green: pink

    Upcoming Appointments:  6/13 ob appt

    How are you feeling?: Really good! I had my anatomy scan yesterday and I was really relieved that everything looked good and the tech was able to get all the pics she needed. I was definitely a little nervous!

    Rants/Raves: Anatomy scan was actually a lot of fun! My baby was very active, so it was fun watching the ultrasound tech chase her around to get all the pics. It was fun actually seeing the movement while being able to feel it too. She was doing little loops in there, pushing off the sides and rotating all around. And when she had the blood flow filters on, it was funny seeing the kicks light up the whole screen.

    Questions: None today

    GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? Korean BBQ! We love hotpot and shabu shabu, but for some reason we've never tried Korean bbq before even though there are a ton around us. Definitely planning to go again soon.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 22/ 29 w 1 day


    Baby is the size of a (an): bananaaa

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: 6/24 

    How are you feeling?:  Sooo much better than the first trimester! I did throw up this morning but I'm rather gotten used to that at this point and am just happy to be able to eat pretty much whatever I want at this point.   My bump feels SO big and I love feeling him be active!! 

    Rants/Raves:  Weird left hip pain?? It's sometimes tough to walk without discomfort and feel like am waddling already?? What the hell.  

    I recently started going to a yoga studio in town locally and I loveeee it.  So good.  

    Rant: I don't crave sweets?!   But have really been enjoying fruit lately! 

    Questions: Anyone else experiencing weird food aversions?  Also anyone getting heart burn? 

    GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? 

    We tried a bunch of new Korean recipes over the weekend to make bibimbap!  
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  • EDD / Weeks + Days: October 23, 20 w 1 d


    Baby is the size of a (an): banana

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan next week

    How are you feeling?: I am feeling pretty good! I had horrible nausea until about 16/17 weeks so I am glad that has mostly resolved

    Rants/Raves: my husband and I just got back from our babymoon, we spent a week in Italy and it was amazing!! That’s my rave. My rant is that it has been so hard to come back to work, my motivation is at an all time low because I just want to think about baby stuff lol

    Questions: anyone give birth at a hospital where your primary OBGYN doesn’t have rights? For insurance reasons this might be the case for me, wondering if anyone’s been through something like this.

    GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? 
    I love this question!! I can’t think of anything I tried that was new recently, so I guess I’ll have to push myself soon!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 6, 22 weeks 5 days


    Baby is the size of a (an): coconut 🥥 /hedgehog 🦔 

    Team blue/pink/green: girl

    Upcoming Appointments: had one June 5, next is mid-July

    How are you feeling?: Great! And bigger every day! Loving being pregnant right now!!
    Some nights my belly feels so big it’s uncomfortable on the outside, some mornings my belly feels very heavy. Thank goodness for anti-stretch mark cream!

    Rants/Raves: Rant: it’s frustrating most stores don’t carry maternity clothes in-store. Luckily one size up or a wrap dress still fits! Haha

    Rave: love my group pregnancy program with Kaiser! 💕 so great to have a community going through the same things!

    Questions: Anyone else having some pelvic girdle pain occasionally? What do you do about it?
     @simplyme_33: yes to the heartburn!

    GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? Hiring movers!! Best decision ever! Haha 
  • edited June 2024
    @simplyme_33 I’ve been getting a lot of food aversions. Especially food that has a stronger taste like curry and spices or seeing the food too many times.
  • @cheeeeeeeese I have some pelvic pain off and on - mine was triggered by straining one of my hip adductors which weakened my pelvic floor, so the pain was caused by destabilization of my pelvis. My dr just recommended tylenol, hot pads, or ice packs to relieve the pain in the short term. Sitting on an exercise ball can also help keep your hips and pelvis in a better position and relieve stress on them.
    For a long term fix you have to strengthen your pelvic floor. I found a few youtube videos for pelvic floor strengthening for pregnant women, and they were great because they kind of assume you're in some pain so they go especially gentle on any movements that would worsen your pelvic pain, but they also very specifically target the muscles you need. I did find one of the exercises excruciating to do, and that's how I realized I had strained my muscle so badly. You can also just do some prenatal yoga as well, but I'd still recommend looking into a more targeted exercise for the pelvic floor.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 15/21w 4d


    Baby is the size of a (an): Cantaloupe

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: June 27, regular check up, no more ultrasounds scheduled

    How are you feeling?: I’m feeling so good, little stressed about finding somewhere to live but I think I found somewhere amazing, waiting on a response from the potential landlord. Starting to really feel the baby kicks and it’s the BEST feeling! Definitely feeling the little thumps instead of just the crampy feeling when he rolls over. So cool. Seeing a chiropractor for SI joint and leg pain, we’ll see if it helps in the long run.

    Rants/Raves: I think I put my rave in my how am I feeling section! But my doctor cleared me to go for bike rides (with some restrictions) and paddle boarding so I am excited to finally be able to do one of those activities this weekend. And my bump is pretty obvious right now, I used to be a regular at a shop I don’t go to anymore and now when I popped in to pick up something for my spouse, I was asked about baby, that was so affirming ☺️ I also finally bought maternity clothes, waiting on the order to arrive.

    Questions: none, but to answer a previous one, I have been getting heartburn, it’s been better this week, also been eating a little better which probably helps

    GTKY: What’s something you recently tried for the first time? I can’t think of anything recent.. that will be something I will keep in mind to take note of!

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