November 2024 Moms

Starting a new job a month before my due date

I’m set to graduate school this summer and already have a job lined up that is supposed to start in October, however my due date is a month after in November. I actually already work with the company so I would just be changing positions and working at a different location.

The catch is… orientation is supposed to last 3-4 months and they don’t want you taking any vacation time during this period (I’m not sure if FMLA would fall under this category) so if I start in Oct then I would only have a month of work before I have to leave

They said they are willing to push my start date back to January if for example I don’t pass my exit exam and need more time to take it…

So my question is… would it be better to just say I need more time for my exit exam and start my job in January after I get off of leave or should I tell the truth and tell them I’m pregnant and face the possibility of being let go? Or possibly even check with my hiring manager if they would prefer I start late (in January) or take a break after starting in October?… I want to be honest but I’m scared of repercussions.

Side note: I already signed my acceptance letter for this job but I live in an at will employment state.

Sorry for the long post! Any help/advice is GREATLY appreciated :)

Re: Starting a new job a month before my due date

  • etnyahetnyah member
    I would tell the truth right now and let them know pregnant. Even in at-will states, they can't let you go for being pregnant, that's discrimination. If you lie on the other hand and they find out, that's not a good look for you and I'd be more scared of those repercussions. They've already said they're okay pushing the start date back to January for other reasons, why would having a baby be different? If you tell your hiring manager and ask what their preferred plan would be and you're fine with either option (starting October with a break vs pushing the start date back to January), you're showing them that you're honest, flexible and willing to work with them.
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
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