3rd Trimester

Swelling in one foot only

The last few days my left foot has been mildly swollen while my right isn’t swollen at all. I talked to my doctor and they don’t seem too concerned because there’s no redness or heat,  but I’m wondering if anyone else has had uneven swelling? Everything I read says it’s something to be concerned about and this doctor is new so I’m not feeling super confident. Any comments would be appreciated!!

Re: Swelling in one foot only

  • I wouldn’t worry about it if your doctor isn’t concerned about it. Typically with single sided swelling they’re looking at something like a deep vein thrombosis, but redness and heat are bit factors in that. If you’re active (meaning walking around even a little) it’s not something that’s usual.

    But, if you want to check your risk factors, you can look up the Wells Criteria for DVT: https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/362/wells-criteria-dvt
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