October 2024 Moms

Group Status - Poll/Discussion

Hi Everyone! As we approach our half way point in our pregnancies soon, I thought it would be a good time to start discussing the possibility of moving to a private group at some point. Nothing is being decided now, I just wanted to gauge how people are feeling about how they want this group to continue (public vs. private, Facebook vs. The Bump) and timelines if we do want to go private. So I have started a poll below. Please select your preference and I encourage you to discuss your preference and pros/cons in the comments below 😊

Group Status - Poll/Discussion 14 votes

I never want to move to a private group, on any platform. Let's stay in the current public group.
21% 3 votes
I'd like to move to a private group on Facebook, at the end of May or in early June.
0% 0 votes
I'd like to move to a private group on Facebook, at the end of June or in early July.
42% 6 votes
I'd like to move to a private group on The Bump, at the end of May or in early June.
0% 0 votes
I'd like to move to a private group on The Bump, at the end of June or in early July.
35% 5 votes
I would consider moving to a private group on either the Bump or Facebook, but not until after babies are born.
0% 0 votes
Some other option, which I will discuss below.
0% 0 votes

Re: Group Status - Poll/Discussion

  • My last group moved over to facebook and in my opinion it was really nice to have a private group. While this platform is anonymous, it is completely public. I like the idea of sharing photos and continuing to ask questions and share weekly updates with everyone and I personally am more comfortable doing that on a private platform where all of the members are vetted. And my last group became so close which was much easier to do through facebook, we still talk all the time and get support from each other through all stages of baby and toddlerhood which has been amazing. I’d love to do that again for this baby. But I totally understand if people have other opinions and don’t want to commit to something like that! I’m happy to be here and involved in this public group as of now 
  • I’m happy to move to a private group! I don’t use Facebook or other social media; I still have the accounts but I stopped checking them while going through infertility because it was too painful, and honestly it’s been so good for my mental health even now. But if others prefer Facebook don’t change your plans based on me!
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  • I'm torn. I definitely want to move to something more private, just I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of facebook.
  • Also an option I didn’t list on there but totally a possibility too it to start a private bump group and a private Facebook group and people can join either or both. Don’t know how effective that is because I haven’t done it before but just tossing out another idea 😊
  • I open to any option! Sorry that’s not more helpful. 😬
    Thank you for leading the charge, @puzzlehead11!
  • A private group sounds good. I don’t have a preference, but like others I don’t use Fb much. I don’t use Bump much either and I imagine it’ll be less so after the baby…??
  • I like the private group idea, and Facebook would be fine for me, since I'd probably be less inclined to get on the Bump once baby is here. 
  • Hi everyone! I’m commenting to bring this back up to the top of the board and also to make sure everyone who wants to vote has had a chance to see it. Right now it’s looking like moving over to a private Facebook group by the end of June/early July has the majority votes and if it stays that way I’ll post an update in a week or two about getting one set up and how we want to go about selecting admin and the process for joining, etc. We still have some time! Thanks for taking the time to vote/comment 😊
  • I too am not a fan of Facebook. I wouldn't be comfortable posting any photos of babies.  But ya'll do whatever is best for ya'll. I can't think of an alternative social media besides Snapchat. 
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