October 2024 Moms

Weekly Check-In (5/13 - 5/19) 🍿

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an):

Team blue/pink/green: 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? 

Re: Weekly Check-In (5/13 - 5/19) 🍿

  • lizzzy217lizzzy217 member
    edited May 2024
    EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 13th / 18wk+3d


    Baby is the size of a (an): artichoke

    Team blue/pink/green: pink

    Upcoming Appointments: 5/16 ob appt (tomorrow!); 6/4 anatomy scan

    How are you feeling?: Definitely starting to have mild, occasional back pain. I was able to figure out the pelvic pain I felt last week is Pubic Symphysis and was caused by slipping in the tub and straining my left hip adductor... so that pain is starting to go away now that the muscle is recovering. Which is a relief because that was terrible :# Been working on some pelvic floor strengthening to help with this too.
    I've also had pretty bad sleep insomnia... I end up just lying in bed for hours not able to fall asleep, and then when I do fall asleep I wake up like 4 or 5 times every night. :'( 

    Rants/Raves: Now that I'm able to feel movement, I've realized my baby is moving so much! She seems so active, I had NO idea! I feel some movement at least once an hour and sometimes it lasts for quite a while. Last night there was apparently a 30min prenatal karate session scheduled at 11pm :D It doesn't matter what I'm doing either - sitting, standing, walking, lying down - she's just in there kicking away... I guess I'm glad she's getting the exercise! :D:D

    Questions: None today!

    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? Right now I'm working my way through all of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books, and also Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderling series. There are so many books! :s I love them, but they're really long fantasy series, so I wouldn't recommend them if that's not your thing. I also started reading the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer which I've really enjoyed! And I just finished reading Crying in H Mart for my May Book Club which was really touching, I definitely cried a little.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 8/ 19+2


    Baby is the size of a (an): dollar bill

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: June 4 to repeat anatomy scan

    How are you feeling?: feeling good. Saw little dude Tuesday for anatomy scan. Everything they could see looked good, but couldn't see some stuff due to him being squished up and backwards, so we get to go see him again in 3 weeks. 

    Rants/Raves: minor rant...why do hair stylists go rogue, lol. I took in several photographs of the exact color I wanted, giving some room for difference since my hair already had some color on it, but it is NOTHING like what I wanted. It's not ugly, so there's that, but I'm just so disappointed that my big Mother's Day gift feels like a waste bc I don't like how it turned out. 


    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it?
    I just finished my 2nd read through of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I normally don't read King as I don't like horror, but this series is a wonderful mix of fantasy, world building, pop culture references, and an epic adventure. Highly recommend! 
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  • saf22saf22 member
    EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 30/ 16w 1d


    Baby is the size of a (an): DVD/avocado 

    Team blue/pink/green: confirming on Saturday 

    Upcoming Appointments: tomorrow - 5/17 with obgyn and 6/19 for anatomy scan 

    How are you feeling?: I'm feeling pretty good. I have more energy.  Is it too soon to start the nesting process? I've been in a deep cleaning marathon. I bought myself the Little Green Bissell machine and I went to town on my tan couches! I guess my partner was right when he said I should have gotten it covers. oops. 

    Rants/Raves: Raves - I am able to keep up with my toddler's energy! That's a huge win for me. He's a very active and curious almost 2 year old. 

    Rave #2 - I've got to give some appreciation to my partner. Last week i felt absolutely terrible. Hangover type terrible. I couldnt get out of the couch and anything I ate/drank I threw right up. I felt like the worst mother to my toddler. He stayed by me the whole time, with his worried little face. I only mustered the energy to get up to feed him. As soon as my partner got home from work, I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown because of not giving my son the attention he needed. My partner saw me immediately, grabbed little dude and took him out of the house so I can unwind and cry by myself, which i so badly needed and felt better afterwards.  Being so useless to your son is a horrible feeling. 


    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? I am rewatching Law and Order SVU for like the 4th time. It's background noise as I work from home. I love it. 
  • cheeeeeeeesecheeeeeeeese member
    edited May 2024
    EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 6, 19 weeks 4 days


    Baby is the size of a (an): mango 

    Team blue/pink/green: đź’—

    Upcoming Appointments: anatomy scan 5/30

    How are you feeling?: pregnancy-wise I feel GREAT! 

    Rants/Raves: rant: packing for a move is a pain in the butt 

    Questions: Did you all know baby grows 4 inches in week 20?! FOUR in one week-that’s wild! (I just found out)

    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? Reading lots of pregnancy stuff, watching Sherlock (again for me, first time for my partner). Love Sherlock!
  • @lizzzy217 I finished Robin Hobbs sixteen book series earlier this year!  Still trying to find an equally bingeable book series with no luck. 
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Oct 23rd / 17w + 2d


    Baby is the size of a (an): Pomegranate 

    Team blue/pink/green:  Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: 5/29 for my anatomy scan

    How are you feeling?: Really good! I have so much more energy than I did in the first trimester, it’s a relief to be able to get some things accomplished and to keep up with my toddler. I’m not working at the moment so I’ve been taking advantage of weekday hang out time with my daughter at parks, the children’s museum, the local pool, etc. I also have been craving junk cereal so much I have to have a bowl every night while I watch TV, so trying to eat extra veggies during the day for balance. 

    Rants/Raves: A rant/rave - it’s starting to get SO hot here in Louisiana and I hate the heat and humidity. But on the plus side that means local pools have opened and snowball stands as well so it’s really feeling like summer already!

    Questions: None at the moment

    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? I started reading Fourth Wing because I’m curious what all the hype is about. I’m not far enough in yet to tell if I like it. I also am almost done with the limited series “Station Eleven” which I somehow missed in 2021 when it came out but it has been really good and I do recommend that. Also have been watching the latest Survivor season… my guilty pleasure. 
  • aa2024aa2024 member
    EDD / Weeks + Days:  Oct 3 / 20w2d!! 


    Baby is the size of a (an): banana 

    Team blue/pink/green: Pink! 

    Upcoming Appointments: had my anatomy scan today… 5/23 is next app? 

    How are you feeling?: Honestly I’ve hit a point of exhaustion again after feeling so good. She’s gotten so much bigger which means that I’m always out of breathe, my average resting heart rate has increased so much (thanks Apple Watch), not sleeping well again and as of this week I have the most horrid heartburn so I’ve been very uncomfortable and not wanting to eat. I feel so bad for my husband because I’m a SAHW/M and I’ve just had no energy to do anything. My house is a mess so I really need to get back to it! 

    Rants: mentioned above + trying to figure out a new diet that doesn’t trigger heartburn and make me feel miserable. 

    Raves: saw my baby today at the anatomy scan and she’s super healthy!!! I have an anterior placenta so I still haven’t felt anything but seeing her move so much on the screen was much a relief. 

    Questions: has anyone started planning their baby shower!? I finally started putting mine together but I’m not a fan of the traditional baby shower games so I’m trying to think of enough alternatives to keep my friends entertained for a few hours. 

    GTKY: what are you reading and/or watching right now and do you recommend it? 
    I’m obsessed with reading but recently I’ve wanted to do something more mind relaxing so I’ve been binging the most random shows. I just finished young Sheldon, abbot elementary and now watching superstore haha. I used to never watch TV before pregnancy so I pick whatever is “trending” on my page. 
  • @puzzlehead11, you should read the book station 11. It is by far my favourite book still. I think I got it the year it was published - 2014. I haven't watched the series but I’m sure if you liked it, you’ll like the book too!
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