3rd Trimester

Wildfire smoke

Has anyone experienced wildfire smoke in their local air while pregnant before? The alerts for air quality are going off in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota for tonight and tomorrow. I don’t live in those states thankfully but it reminded me that last year’s summer was filled with alerts on air quality in my state. Has this affected anyone in their previous pregnancies & if so how did you manage? 

Re: Wildfire smoke

  • virtaurvirtaur member
    Yes I did in 2020 with my son. I just tried to stay inside as much as possible when it was bad. unless I had to go out for an appt or was going to work. We were fine! 
  • I hate being inside during the summer especially with a toddler who loves being outdoors as well, but if that’s what’s best then that’s what’s best! 
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  • virtaurvirtaur member
    I only paid attention to it when it was really bad. Like the sky was orange and there was ash everywhere because the fires were still active. Just use your best judgment! 
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