Did anyone get to find out the gender before 20 weeks? I’m so anxious to find out. My first pregnancy 7 yrs ago was much different in every aspect and I don’t remember when I found out.
The anatomy scan will be the best time to find out the sex of your child, which normally is around the 20 week mark. You will not find out the gender until the baby is a bit older. Sex and gender are 2 different things.
They said with one of the blood tests I got done at 18 weeks that they could do genetic markers and tell me the sex. We decided not to get the paper and be surprised.
the NIPT blood test can be done which will look for a Y chromosome (typically found in a male sex). sometimes these tests just like any other have false results. most of the time they are accurate and you can have them done as early as 13 weeks. if you want to find out via ultrasound, the best early time would be during your 20 week anatomy ultrasound. sometimes some ultrasound techs can see earlier, but it all depends on baby’s positioning as well.
Yes you can find out gender at 8 weeks via blood test. They are typically pretty accurate via the doctors office. Or you can wait the 20 weeks to find out gender at the anatomy scan. Congratulations.
Nope, they just draw the blood from a vein in your arm, like a standard blood test. There's DNA from your baby's placenta present in small amounts in your own blood so they just isolate it and test it. You just have to wait until there's enough of that DNA present in your blood, usually around 10wks at the earliest.
The test checks for anomalies in Chromosomes 13, 18, and 21, and can detect the presence/absence of a Y chromosome.
If you can wait, anatomy scan by 20 weeks will reveal the gender of your baby. I guess it's better so you still have that longer time of surprise and excitement.
Thank you so much! I have my first appointment next week and I’ll be 15 weeks since the first appointment a few weeks ago was cancelled. I’ll probably ask about that part of the blood test but I just won’t count on anything until the 20 week scan. Fingers crossed for a girl bc I’m surrounded by boys lol but most importantly a healthy baby!
Re: Finding out the gender
Are these tests absolutely right? I'm at 15wks now.