June 2024 Moms

Weekly Check-in w/o 4/14

EDD / Weeks + Days:


Baby is the size of a (an):

Team blue/pink/green: 

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring?

Re: Weekly Check-in w/o 4/14

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  • @maggiemadeit oh no! I'm so sorry that happened, but I'm glad it's not the worst timing I guess? 
  • @curlyandpreggo My son had the same thing. They discovered it at the anatomy scan and it appeared resolved by 36 weeks. They gave him an extra ultrasound in the hospital once he was born to be really sure and everything was fine. I know it’s hard not to worry, but I hope the same happens for your little girl and it resolves without issue ❤️
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: June 15th / 31wks 2d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 6thTM 

    Baby is the size of a (an): a fanny pack 

    Team blue/pink/green: 💙

    Upcoming Appointments: April 22nd

    How are you feeling?: tired and large. Allergies are kicking my butt

    Rants/Raves: I'm officially so big my maternity shirts can't cover the bottom of my stomach. So I'm yanking my shirt down to cover my stomach only to be showing too much cleavage 🥴. 


    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring? Look at all the flowers. This year has been extra fun since my 4 year old loves flowers and wants to learn all the names.
  • @maggiemadeit oh my word! I'm glad you and baby are ok. That is such a a freak accident! 

  • @maggiemadeit Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry about the concussion. I hope that you recover soon. I feel like you can't catch a break.
    @curlyandpreggo Sorry you have to go back for more scans, but that's good to know that the condition is common.

    EDD / Weeks + Days: June 13 / 31 Weeks + 4 Days


    Baby is the size of a (an): Tub of movie theatre popcorn. (And now I want popcorn.)

    Team blue/pink/green: Pink

    Upcoming Appointments: U/S and follow-up on Monday of next week.

    How are you feeling?: Huge. I feel much bigger at this point than I did with my first.

    Rants/Raves: Rant is that my sleep is pretty much garbage these days. My hips and tailbone wake me up all night and I keep having to change sides/pee. Rave is that I still made it to the gym today. We went out for my birthday yesterday and had afternoon tea. It was so good, but I definitely needed to workout after those treats.

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring? I love to go for walks before it gets too hot. And visit the Botanical Gardens.

    TTC History
    Me: 38 DH: 52
    Started trying June 2018
    BFP Jan 2019 DD born October 2019
    TTC July 2021 BFP, ended in MMC August 2021
    TTC October 2021
    BFP January 2022
    MMC March 2022
    Beginning May 2022 under the supervision of an RE - Benched while undergoing testing

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 33+2 June 1st


    Baby is the size of a (an): celery

    Team blue/pink/green: green

    Upcoming Appointments: ultrasound to check position and dr appointment next Friday 

    How are you feeling?: so tired. Work has been tough. I’m a teacher and by the end of the day I feel bad for my students because I just have no energy left for them! Then I feel bad because I have no energy for my 18 month old and my husband :( 

    Rants/Raves: rant - following along with some of you and the lack of sleep and feeling large and uncomfortable. I think I said this last week but it really sucks having no pants that fit right! I can still wear my maternity pants but they are definitely too small and uncomfortable. Also baby is still breech but it doesn’t really bother me (my first was breech and I was able to deliver him breech vaginally)
    rave - everything about my son lately. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones but I’m just so proud of every little thing he does! Like yesterday he finally walked on grass for the first time (would previously freak out as soon as he was on uneven ground) and I almost cried. 


    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring?
    get outside in the sun!! I’m in Canada and it’s so nice to finally have sunshine and warm weather after what always feels like a long winter. 
  • EDD / Weeks + Days:June 27/ 29+4

    FTM/STM/TTM+:3rd kid. 2nd prego

    Baby is the size of a (an): butternut squash 

    Team blue/pink/green: blue!!

    Upcoming Appointments: this Thursday 

    How are you feeling?: sore hips, SOB on hills, otherwise ok

    Rants/Raves: so busy with work right now, extra stress
    BUT weather has been great

    Questions: NA

    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring? Typically grow my starts and prep my garden but don't have time this year. I think I may just do raised beds with starts that I can buy at the greenhouse. 
    Still so much snow here it seems so far away. I think my yard still has about 6 feet of snow depth.

    @maggiemadeit you're right you couldn't make that up!  Crazy! Glad you are okay.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 6/18, 31 weeks

    FTM/STM/TTM+: third

    Baby is the size of a (an): head of lettuce

    Team blue/pink/green: green

    Upcoming Appointments: checkup on 4/23

    How are you feeling?: Tired, nauseous, and hurting from the waist down. I start pelvic floor PT tomorrow and can't wait.

    Rants/Raves: I've still been taking barre classes, but they have gotten pretty difficult for me lately. I'd like to stop, but I paid for a membership through mid-May, and I hate to waste the money.


    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring? Hang out with my kids outside. I live in the South, so we enjoy the (brief) nice spring weather before it gets stupid hot and humid.
    Married: May 2012
    DS1: May 2016
    DS2: Jan 2019
    Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24

  • EDD / Weeks + Days:Scheduled C June 4/32wks


    Baby is the size of a (an): Squash

    Team blue/pink/green: pink

    Upcoming Appointments: next Tuesday 

    How are you feeling?: anxious(will explain below), tired

    Rants/Raves: Well just spent a few days in the hospital to stop pre-term labor. Went in 3am Saturday and just left today(tues). Super light activity, on meds to keep contractions down. Last baby was a 33weeks. Doctors didn’t seem too convinced we will make full term. But so far baby and I are great, she is measuring large. I got steroid shots to help lungs so we shall see. Might be an April baby. 


    GTKY: what is your favourite thing to do in the spring? Enjoying cool weather, getting plants ready for gardening. 
  • @farmfamily21 I’m sorry you’ve had a hospital stay already! So scary to think of these June babies coming so early. I hope you can keep your girl growing safe inside for a good long while still! ❤️ 
  • @farmfamily21 Sending hugs and happy thoughts that baby stays put for awhile longer.
    TTC History
    Me: 38 DH: 52
    Started trying June 2018
    BFP Jan 2019 DD born October 2019
    TTC July 2021 BFP, ended in MMC August 2021
    TTC October 2021
    BFP January 2022
    MMC March 2022
    Beginning May 2022 under the supervision of an RE - Benched while undergoing testing

  • @farmfamily21 I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital, but I'm glad you and baby are both doing great so far! I hope that she stays put for as long as possible!
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