1st Trimester

Low hcg

Hey mamas!! I tested positive on April 2nd with first response (yay) the next morning I got a lighter version of my normally heavy periods. I waited a day for it to stop and it didn’t. I went to er and they said my hcg was only 15? Does that mean a miscarriage? My LMP was March 4th so I’d be really early.  Losing my mind over here!! 

Re: Low hcg

  • @samanthack08 HCG really only matters in that it doubles every 48 hours in early PG.  Anything over 5 is considered PG. Some people bleed throughout their PG and have no complications.  If you are concerned, you should call your doctor. 

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


  • @dpjennifer i took another pregnancy test this morning and it still said positive but still a faint line. I know a line is a line so that's promising. I've had 3 kids and zero issues and no miscarriages so its hard to comprehend something bad might be happening but im thinking of going to the er again tomorrow for another hcg blood draw. unsure if i can wait until monday for the dr to put in a referral for blood  
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  • @samathack08 Honestly, the ER is not a great place to go for prenatal anything, unless it's an absolute emergency (and even then, I'd take anything they said with a grain of salt).  It's sort of amazing they gave you an hcg number.  If you're that worried, call your doctor and ask them to put it in today/tomorrow.  If you're headed for a MC there's nothing you can do at this point to stop it anyway.  If your HCG level was 15, and you got another positive test, the hcg level has to be above whatever the threshold of the test was.  Also, sometimes ERs do a +/- hcg blood test instead of a quant test, and so that wouldn't necessarily mean your number WAS 15, but rather was at least 15.  This is not an emergency situation.  You have to calm yourself down. I realize this may be YOUR first time going through uncertain beta hcg land, but you don't even know the start of beta hcg waiting hell... do you need some mantras to repeat?

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


  • I’m sorry you’re going through this. But It doesn’t make sense to go back to the ER for another HCG draw at this time unless your doctor tells you to. You’d be taking a spot from someone with an emergency. & Seeing the number Is not going to change the outcome. If I were you I’d just continue to take tests at home until the doctor can order a test and go from there. 
  • the er dr told me since 48 hours from the original draw was on a saturday that i could just come back to the er for the blood draw, that it would take a few minutes and they would call with results. my ob said they can put in a referral for a blood draw on monday. but i do feel helpless just waiting. 
  • Just had a blood draw yesterday. On 4/4 it was 15 and 4/8 was 27. I’ve read it can sometimes take up to 96 hours to double…any opinions?
  • @samanthack08 It's supposed to double every 48 hours.  There are a few success stories of a slow doubling, where it ends in a healthy pregnancy; however, those are usually when it's fairly close to doubling.  Yours is nowhere near doubling in 48 hours.  Your hcg was 15 on the 4th.  It should've been 30 on the 6th and then 60 on the 8th.  Yours didn't even double to 30 over that same 4 day period.  I'm sorry, but in my non-medical opinion, you're heading for a MC. 

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


  • i have my first actual Dr. app tomorrow and i think they will probably draw bloodwork again. my fingers are def crossed though. i know it isnt rising alot but could it be that im like early early pregnancy?
  • You should be around 5 weeks based on your dates. HCG should be doubling every 48ish hours no matter how early you are. I agree that it doesn’t sound like a good outcome but sending you positive vibes! 
  • i did just read an article with some success stories of just low rising hcg levels. that she was 4 weeks at 57 then like 78 a week later. waited two weeks for more bloodwork to confirm and her levels were over 7000. so there can be some hope, just on the rare side i guess. maybe im just in denial, idk. guess time will tell  
  • @samanthack There are stories of people with very slow rising HCG who continue to be PG.  However, those usually end in a later MC and/or serious medical conditions/deformations of the baby that do not result in a viable PG. But I agree with @virtaur .  Your HCG should be doubling early in PG like this.  It absolutely should.  And you're talking to someone who has gotten HCG numbers as low as 7, with 5 losses prior to 8 weeks.  Please let us know what your doctor reports.

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


  • i know :/ and I will. I just keep telling myself “not me” but I know it’s possible. 
  • Any updates? My hug was 28.9 and had me at less than a week pregnant, and I was technically 4 weeks, so, based on when I think I conceived, I would be less than a week when they did my beta draw. But, I get drawn again on Thursday, so we will see how they look. But some of my symptoms are disappearing… super nervous as well! Is there any updates? 
  • I miscarried. Doctor confirmed yesterday that my levels are dropping. Was 29 now it’s a 22 and shows up negative on a regular pregnancy test. It’s weird because I peed on an ovulation test last night and it was darkkkk. My pcp said I’m most likely an ovulating. Ovulation test doesn’t detect hcg ONLY LH. The bleeding I had a couple weeks ago could be considered a chemical pregnancy since I’m ovulating this fast after. Works for me!! Hope it goes well for you! 
  • Confirmation miscarriage yesterday at er. Most likely a chemical pregnancy per my pcp today since I’m ovulating this fast after. So the bleeding I had was just a small period. She said it’s possible the lining of my uterus was really thin this past month since I had Covid so that’s why my period was light. Lining wasn’t thick enough to hold a pregnancy even though fertilization happened. 
  • what made you get a beta draw initially? bc that seems almost impossible to get a beta at 28 at a week pregnant? youre not "tech" pregnant at a week. thats usually when fertilization is happening, if that...
  • @samathack08 The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are actually the weeks between your period and when you Ovulate (assuming you're a standard 28 day cycle person).  Most people implant about 7-10 post Ovulation, and find out a few days later if they're charting/testing/etc.  So, Usually people find out at 4 weeks pregnant (2 weeks after Ovulation) at the earliest.  

    I never had a beta draw for my first PG.  It was a total surprise that it ended up being a Missed MC.  Oftentimes they will NOT send you for beta draws unless you have a history of MC, a suspected MC, or are high risk for some other reason.  In fact, the hospital/OB-GYN office had switched providers in my area before my 5th PG/MC, and I had to argue to them, because they wanted me to schedule and come in for a 7 week ultrasound appointment before they would even send me for betas and I had to use a lot of questionable language on the phone with the idiot trying to 'schedule.'   

    I'd recommend you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility.

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


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