Hello, my hubby and I have been ttc for over a year now. Had a chemical preg x 1. So we have both been checked out. Everything is working as supposed to worry me, but hubby has low count. We have now gone through 2 iui cycles and I don't think my mental health could stand going through another. To increase our chances, they have me clomid. First round had 2 follicles. Second had 3. They also have me take the trigger shot 36 hours prior to insemination. The doctor I got for both procedures said he liked the chances both times. Second time though I was sketchy of his words. Then there's the whole progesterone suppository, but that could be a thread by itself. But this cycle, I felt so betrayed. 5 dpiui I started having pregnancy symptoms. Increased urination, food aversion, occasional nausea...I did hpt days 7 and 8 after just to see if the shot was out. Faint lines both days. Figured likely the shot. Tested again day 10, same faint line... I was like nah... can't still be the shot.... line is the same! Tested next day.... bfn. Then the next day... bfn. Finally, day 14.... bfn. I was absolutely devastated. It's like my body tricked me. I just had that feeling that it happened up until that 11th day! I just felt it! Then to realize.... it was just that dang shot! I'm wondering if they can just prescribe me the clomid, then let us do our thing. I feel like I'm paying these doctors for nothing! And I feel like the process interrupts and in a way worsens or chances/ mess up with possibility. And I can't afford IVF. I just don't have anyone I can talk to about this, as my actual friends either has their kid super young, or chose not to have any, and just wouldn't understand. And for reference, I am 35, and hubby is 40. No kids prior for either of us.
Re: Fed up, no one to talk to