So on Monday morning I had two faint positives with 2 different brands of tests. Went to the walk in to confirm. They did a blood test HCG was 15, ultrasound showed no evidence of a gestational sac in uterus or tubes. They estimated I was 3w6d. OB had me come back Wednesday (3w8d) they did another HCG, level doubled to 32. LMP was on 2/27 flo app predicted ovulation to be on 3/11. Period was due the 23rd. I had VERY light spotting (hopefully implantation) on the 22nd & 23rd. Took a FRER this morning. It isn’t super dark or light. But much darker than my first test.
I’ve also been having a bunch of symptoms. Heightened sense of smell. Enlarged breasts and tender nipples, having to use the restroom more often, waves of nausea.
Anyone have a similar experience and go on to have a healthy/success pregnancy?
Re: Low HCG Levels at 3w6d & 3w8d
You have HCG beta numbers. The most important thing early in PG is that these numbers double every 48 hours, which yours appear to be. That means your PG is progressing normally at this point. There's not much else you can do except wait, see if numbers continue to double/rise, and see if ultrasound around 7 weeks shows the sac/fetal pole/etc and a heartbeat.
MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)
RE #3: More testing 2023.
Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
Lupron Depo March 2024. Benched 3 months.
FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)
Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.
FET #2: September 2024 (failed)
FET #3: December 2024 (failed)