September 2023 Moms

Teeny tiny baby 6 months and ~12lbs

Anyone else have a teeny tiny little one? Dylan was born on September 12 at 5lbs 2oz. She was three weeks early. She's doing all the things she's supposed to do by 6 months, and my pediatrician isn't worried, but she was 11lbs 12 oz last week when we had a weigh in. We have our six month appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping she'll have hit 12lbs. I'm tired of hearing how small she is from everyone, I KNOW!!!

Re: Teeny tiny baby 6 months and ~12lbs

  • Hi @alexandra330,

    My 6 months old is not exactly tiny, but she's on the lighter side (23rd percentile), especially for her length (76th percentile). But as long as your baby follows their growth curve, and the pediatrician isn't worried, I would try not to worry too much about it. 
    My little girl gave us a bit of a scare as she lost weight between month 3 and 4 (her weight dropped by 4oz instead of taking the usual 1lbs...). But she recovered and is following her growth curve. ☺️

    I hope this can reassure you.
  • This time around no but my oldest two were always small. My oldest was 6 14 at birth and to this day is tiny. As long as they follow the curve up and are gaining weight and growing it should be good 😊

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