1st Trimester

Minimal to no symptoms

I’m 8 weeks 4 days today. My first pregnancy 7.5 years ago I was puking, peeing a lot, so tired, etc … this pregnancy I’m fine. Like completely fine that it worries me. No increase in smell, no nausea, not too tired at all… nothing…. Should I be concerned? 

Re: Minimal to no symptoms

  • Do you have your ultrasound appt set up? Lots of women are lucky enough to not have any symptoms at all. Consider yourself lucky! But if you're concerned, bring it up to your doctor. 
  • Ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday at 9 weeks and my midwife appointment is tomorrow! I’ll definitely bring it up 
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  • I'm not sure your age but this is the first pregnancy I've ever had where I'm not puking. I'm 33. I read that the older you are the less the symptoms. I'm asking my doc Thursday as well. Hopefully they'll do an US because I'm measuring behind and have a subchorionic hemorrhage. The combination of all 3 is worrisome to me but if it were just one or the other not so much. 
    Hopefully we are just blessed with no morning sickness this go around. If so, I'll take it! 😉
  • I’ll be 40 by the time the baby is born. I measured a week behind because you need to consider you don’t get pregnant right at ovulation. You can have to consider the extra week to conceive. So I wouldnt worry 
  • Thank you. I know stress is the enemy while pregnant. Hope you heard good news Thursday! 
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