Trying to Get Pregnant

When did you get your BFP after your trigger shot?

Hi all!

To people who tested out their trigger shots- how long was the trigger testing positive in your system, and what DPO did you get your first real positive?

This was my first cycle of Clomid. I took the clomid CD4-8 and my Pregnyl HCG trigger shot on CD16. I ended up with a slight case of OHSS, which my gyno said could be a good sign that I actually ovulated. I decided to test out my trigger shot, and as of yesterday (7DPT/6DPO) it seemed that it was almost totally out of my system. Today, I am on 8DPT/7DPO, and this morning's line was noticeably darker than it was the previous two days. I then decided to take another test strip mid-day and it was really light again. I know it's likely still way too early, but just want to hear other peoples success stories to keep the positivity going!! Thank you <3

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