Yesterday, I had an ultrasound. Thinking I was 8 weeks and 2 days based on LMP, and getting a positive preg test on Jan 9.
During the vaginal ultrasound they said baby looks good, fetal pole, yolk sac, obvious flicker of cardiac activity and heart rate of 103. The only thing was the baby was measuring 6 weeks 4 days.
Had my levels drawn on Jan 24 they were 6500. Levels drawn again yesterday and they were 115000. I am so confused and terrified. The doctor said she hopes she’s wrong and that everything is ok but didn’t seem too optimistic. She said that if this baby was 6 weeks it was perfect. But because of my numbers and positive test on Jan 9 it’s just not making sense.
Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any information is appreciated.
Re: Measuring behind
Now come to this current pregnancy off my calculations with last period I am due 18th of Sept this year and they have me measuring the 29th of Sept. So funny how the dates lined up exactly as before. I ended up having my second baby that January on the 17th. So my calculations were right. Although my entire pregnancy we went off the US. They almost didn't let me deliver at the birthing center and forced me to do the hospital but my OB had my dates noted and accepted me. Baby was healthy and hearty.
They are going off the US measurements this time as well. I never go in with exact dates because as you can see the 2 times I have been 100% sure of my period dates because of holidays they were during, my US have measured differently. They will go off the US dates generally. Just keep your dates in your head because you may go earlier. Remember US are not always 100% accurate as well. Many a woman has had a cesarean based off baby measuring large and ended up being unnecessary. They are a helpful tool, but nothing more.
I'm on my 6th pregnancy and have never had my hcg levels analyzed to me except after my miscarriage to check for DNC necessity. To stress you out is not helpful. Stress is not your friend when pregnant.
Hope this helps! 🙏 good luck mama.
I don't even ask. Especially with the 1st US. We are just taking a peek and seeing that everything is viable. If I see a flicker and everything looks good then the dates are just numbers. So I honestly couldn't tell you the exact reason why this has happened to me 2 times now, but I just always go in knowing they will go off their date. Your due date is an estimate.
If there was a reason for concern then the OB would relay it.
I'm honestly shocked so many OBs relay hcg levels to low risk patients.
I was hoping it was just a small baby that was measuring behind, but turns out it wasn’t.
I want to thank everyone for commenting and proving me with support and experiences.