1st Trimester

Impossible to hide pregnancy bloat at 5 weeks

I am 5w 2d with my first pregnancy and already only comfortable in maternity clothes. We were trying to only tell close family. But at this point I’m already getting the, “Awe” stares from strangers. I’m 5’7”, super active, and have been eating less than before I was pregnant due to nausea.  

Has anyone else experienced this? Could this be a sign of multiples? 

Re: Impossible to hide pregnancy bloat at 5 weeks

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    I’m 5 weeks today and having the same issue. My husband swears it’s multiples (I was on Clomid when I conceived, so it IS possible)… thankfully I work from home and I’ve been so nauseous I don’t want to go anywhere, so I’ve been living in his sweatpants and t-shirts. 😅
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    congratulations! 😍 so if it wasn’t your first, i would say it’s normal and probably only a singleton, but because it IS your first then it’s possible that it can be two or more in there. however lots of bloating does happen especially with more food and water in your system. we can’t know for sure until you have an ultrasound :)
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    edited February 13
    Congrats on your pregnancy, acb! It’s good to know I’m not alone. I wasn’t on drugs, but am 34, which I know is on the older side which makes twins more likely. I’ve reached the point of it better be twins. It’s good to know I’m not totally crazy for thinking multiples may be possible with a bloat bump this extreme. 
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    You basically described my exact situation. It’s my first pregnancy, I’m 5’7”, active, lost a pound or so because I haven’t been as hungry, and so incredibly bloated today (6w5d) I look like I am well into the second trimester. Since I did IVF, I’ve had 2 ultrasounds already, everything is normal and it’s definitely just 1 baby. 
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    nken20nken20 member
    First off, congratulations! I think that is quite normal. I can still remember the first time I got pregnant we were trying to hide it, but the baby wouldn't and perhaps, excess gas also.
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    I had my first ultrasound today and am measuring at 8w6d and have one healthy little baby. I’m measuring one day ahead of where I thought I was and baby’s heart rate was a perfect 170. 
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    Wild! I’m also 5’7” and definitely look further along as well. Only at 7 weeks. I was suspecting the same thing though the likelihood feels low for us. Keep is posted! 
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    I looked the same! I'm now 11 weeks and look big! They have not detected multiples but it feels like I'm just extremely bloated 
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