1st Trimester

Swelling already?

I’m only 5 weeks today, but I’ve been waking up with swollen and aching fingers the last few days. I drink almost 80 ounces of water a day and not eating junk food or excessive salt. I live in Florida and the only thing I can compare it to is when I visited Salt Lake City, Utah and the elevation really messed me up - I had terrible swelling then, too, and couldn’t even wear my wedding ring. I haven’t been able to wear any rings for the past week. It’s too early to be preeclampsia, but any ideas?

Re: Swelling already?

  • lqbtqmommylqbtqmommy member
    edited February 2024
    Hopefully it's just that your body is retaining more fluid due to salt intake. However, pregnancy causes a lot of changes to your body and unfortunately can put stress on your heart and kidneys, especially if you have an underlying condition that you may not know about. Definitely get that checked out by a doctor pronto. Take pictures of the swelling at its worst too so they can see even if you're not as swollen the day of your appointment.
  • I feel the exact same way but in my case I am not sure how far I am but I think around 6 weeks. I drink a lot of water avoid salt and sugar but in the morning when I wake up I have swelling fingers. You are not alone!! I am wondering too if it is normal. I am scared of everything as I just had a miscarriage. Hope it is nothing serious. Keep us updated please.
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