1st Trimester

5w6d symptoms??

edited February 5 in 1st Trimester
I’m 5w6d, i developed a cold last week it’s mucus in my throat that makes me cough and when it gets dry my throat hurts. I was fine all week up until last night when i layed down for bed I got the chills and had them all night even with my heating blanket. I woke up with a slight 99.4 fever, i got up showered and it was 99.9 after. I ended up not going to work cus i still had a headache and still felt so fatigue and cold. i did take Tylenol and my temp went down to normal 98.6 and is now 98. The chills are back, i literally cannot get warm 😩 i can’t tell if this is from me being sick or my pregnancy symptoms finally kicking in cus i didn’t have any except Hormones, and slightly sensitive nipples and occasional back pain. I tested negative for covid  cus of course that was my first concern. Anyone else experience this???? My levels are all good too so I’m not worried about those or anything just looking for advice from other mommy’s that have kinda went through this around 5/6 weeks. This is also my first pregnancy.

Re: 5w6d symptoms??

  • that was when my nasal congestion started, and i’m going on 19 weeks 🥹 although i didn’t have the fevers or chills, you might just be getting down with something. if it is just nasal congestion, it’ll just bring you sneezing, clogged nostrils every now and then, coughing, unable to clear your throat, nothing to worry about, it’s just really annoying. 
  • my fever is back this time 100.6🤒 trying to stay off google😩 
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  • Sounds like an illness. You can reach out to your doc to see what they say but the main focus is keeping the fever from getting too high with Tylenol 
  • I did take Tylenol again last night, thankfully the fever went away my temp is now 97.1 and managed to keep the temp down all night and chills and body aches are gone🙌🏼 taking a second day off from work to really recover 
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