1st Trimester

HCG doubling times

What was your doubling time once reaching 5 weeks or 3,000+ hcg? I’ve posted this before, but I got my final beta today, and compared to my last pregnancy, freaking out about the doubling times. My doubling time keeps increasing, where with my daughter, I was still at a 48 double time at this point. Also, progesterone was at 24.1 today! Scan is set for tomorrow, but not feeling too confident. I know I shouldn’t compare numbers to my previous pregnancy, but it’s hard when that was my successful pregnancy and the rest has been infertility and a recent miscarriage

16DPO 710
18dpo 1685 (38.5 doubling)
20dpo 3354 (48.2 doubling)
23dpo 7742 (59.66 doubling)
25dpo 12386 (70.8 doubling)
27dpo 18734 (80.1 doubling)
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