1st Trimester

Just tested positive! 4w 3d, how to manage anxiety before first ultrasound

Tested positive on a bunch of home tests yesterday and just waiting to get on the schedule for the first ultrasound. My OB said “see you in a couple weeks”. I’m 34 and this is my first pregnancy, I’m so excited but need to see that first ultrasound to feel a bit more secure.

Anyone else experience this? What helped you get through?

Re: Just tested positive! 4w 3d, how to manage anxiety before first ultrasound

  • I got pregnant with my first at 32. After 7.5 years of waiting I have conceived my second child at 39!!!! When you tested at 4 weeks and 3 days (same as me) were your lines super dark? I’ve had a very long journey in my life with loss and success. Just try and relax and know there is nothing you can do either way. Just take your vitamins, lay low, and try and keep your stress at a minimal. Congratulations 
  • Meditation and breathing. The baby loves when you take deep breaths. Remember that they can sense your anxiety and calm and cool is where they will thrive. "You are already a Mom it starts now. Be the Mom you want to be for your child." Mantras like this help me keep a strong head space, throughout pregnancy. There are soo many highs and soo many lows. You can find out implantation is too low and it may be high risk and doc says will know in a month and a half, but be calm. Haha or towards the end when they tell you to count kicks, you don't feel any all morning and afternoon and so worried, even though all is fine. Stressing yourself doesn't help, although on some level we all do it. Easier said than done. I will be thinking of you and your little bean. Congrats!!!
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