1st Trimester

First Trimester Mental Health


I am just over 8 weeks and have been feeling nauseous and tired since 5-6 weeks. I’m not throwing up and am therefore probably “lucky” compared to a lot of other women in their first trimester. 

With that being said, my biggest struggle has just been mentally getting through the constant hangover feeling day after day without a reprieve. I am not depressed, but I just have no excitement or drive to do anything anymore because I know I will just feel miserable the entire time. I started out with a ton of excitement and couldn’t wait to buy things and learn about pregnancy, but now I don’t even want to tell people because I don’t want to deal with the constant messages and advice when I just feel like crud. I then feel guilty for not being excited anymore!

Has anyone else dealt with this and/ or have any advice on how to mentally get through this stage? 

Re: First Trimester Mental Health

  • Oh man, I felt pretty similarly. I’m 16 weeks now, but felt like I was hit by a truck during most of my first trimester, and that was challenging mentally for sure. I can’t say I have advice, but I just took it a day at a time and tried to let go of any expectations I had for myself, allowing myself to just rest. I never thought it would end, but slowly I got out of it. I’m still exhausted, but it feels different at least and I’m able to do more than I used to. Hopefully someone else has better advice…but it will end. It feels like forever, but it gets better. 
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