June 2024 Moms

Weight gain

I am wondering how much weight you should gain by 20 weeks. 
I am only up 5 pounds and I am at 19 weeks and eating alot but the scale isn’t moving . I found once I hit 18 weeks my appetite has increased significantly so I am waiting for that scale to move. I am tall 5”10

Re: Weight gain

  • mrheelsmrheels member
    edited January 2024
    Pregnancy weight gain varies from person to person, and it's important to note that there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. The recommended weight gain during pregnancy depends on factors such as your pre-pregnancy weight, overall health, and individual circumstances. For a woman of average weight before pregnancy, the ACOG recommends the following weight gain by the end of the second trimester (20 weeks):
    Total weight gain: 13-20 pounds

    In addition to monitoring your weight, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy. Including nutrient-rich foods like banana chips air fryer can be a tasty and satisfying snack option. Air-frying banana chips can be a convenient way to enjoy a crispy and flavorful treat while being mindful of your overall nutrition during this important period. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on nutrition and weight management throughout your pregnancy journey.

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