Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Chicco Bravo Primo Trio Travel System

peacesowerpeacesower member
edited January 31 in Babies: 0 - 3 Months
I just purchased the Chicco Bravo Primo Trio travel system, which includes a stroller and infant car seat that latches into the stroller. I seem to be having trouble with unlatching the infant car seat once it is attached to the stroller. Sometimes it seems that all I have to do is to gently squeeze the orange button on the back of the car seat, and it easily unlatches. Other times it is almost impossible. The only way I can get it to release in these moments, is to push down on the car seat’s rebound bar (pushing straight down on the bar from above, pushing towards the ground), and then squeeze the button. This seems to help the latches release (??) Does anyone else have this system, and can you share any troubleshooting insights? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a special trick or technique you’ve used in the same scenario? Thanks! :)

Re: Chicco Bravo Primo Trio Travel System

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    I haven’t had issues with unlatching from the stroller (yet :) but have been using it from almost 3 months). You have to press the orange latch pretty firmly. I’ll usually press up on the latch and lift the car seat at the same time. 
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